chapter 5

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Suddenly we heard a noise we turned Around and saw the man Who saved us " i'm sorry they got him i could'nt save him" he said

WE HAVE TO GO BACK" " we can 't" the man says

"WE HAVE TO SAVE HIM, I CANT LOSE ANOTHER FRIEND" "we will but not now we need a plan"

Then everything went black.

kirishima p.o.v 

"On three we knock the guys behind us out and run as fast as we can to the woods" katsuki wispers to us. Alex and i nodded. In that moment al hell broke lose, some of stains guys fell down in a instant. we turned around and saw a man walking out of the woods, he had long black hair and a scarf around his neck. 

"YOU" we heard stain scream. the man turned to us "RUN" he yelled 

We started running but i didn't get very far, someone grabbed me from behind. i struggled to get lose but it didn't work. then i saw stain point a gun at katsuki and alex "NO". I kicked the guy who held me in the balls and dashed to stain i knock him over en punch his face. i looked back to see kastuki and alex were disapearing in the woods. i let out a sigh of relieve but that feeling didn't stay long i felt somebody punch me in the gut, i stumbled and fell to the ground. i looked up and saw stain standing over me. he grabbed me by the troath and tried to strangle me. i grabbed his hand trying to get him to let me go. the man who came to save us saw this and tried to help me. 

"NO DON'T" i yelled. he stopped and looked at me, i signaled to him that he needed t go after katsuki and alex and that i would be fine 

he kept looking at me but soon he understood the message. my vision was getting blurry, the last thing i saw before i blacked out was the man running into the direction katsuki and alex had left. 

back to katsuku, alex and mystery man 

2 days later 

katsuki p.o.v

i woke up in a strange house "good you're awake"  i looked to the side and saw alex sitting in a chair next to me, flashes of the last few days came in. "kirishima" i sat as i tried to get of the bed but then a wave of pain came over me "ow" i said  "wow lay back down dude you're hurt" alex said as he pushed me down back on the bed "what happend" i ask him "you were shot in the schoulder, but don"t worry you will live" he said "where are we and who was that man" "your're in my house" we heard a voice say we looked to the door and there stood that man. he walked in put a chair up and sat beside me "my name aizawa shota" he said to us my eyes went wide in shock "aizawa shota? i recognize  that name from somewhere but what was it again" i sarted thinking then is suddenly came to me " AH you are the one deku told us to look for" i said aizawa looked at us in shock. "then you must me katsuki bakugou, yeah he told me about you" he said "so why did deku want you to look for me" "he wrote us a letter and told us to find you and give you something and that you would know what to do with it" i said. 

"so what is it that you are suposed to give me" aizawa asked me "it is in my backpack, alex can you give me my backpack". alex stood up to give me my backpack. i opened it and took the box out that i took from the cabin and gave it to aizawa. he took the box from me and opend it. 

aizawa p.o.v 

i took the box from katsuki and opened it inside were a bunch of pictures. i took the pictures out and looked at then there were a bunch of guys on it i recognized them inmediatly they were the guys who held deku captive. i put the pictures down. "who are those guys on the pictures" katsuki asked me "they are the guys who you met at the cabin and took kirishima they are also the guys who are holding deku captive". the both look shocked at me. 


what happend to kirishima after they took him 

and who is aizawa shota to deku 

find out on the next chapter of missing 

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