Chapter Twenty Five

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Hey guys so- a few of you are confused about the demons. In this book, the older you are as a demon, the more powerful you are. Zayn is obviously older than Liam in this book; so that means that Zayn is stronger, and smarter. Liam is like a baby in the second world. Though he's smarter and more powerful than he knows.

ALSO- GO CHECK OUT phsycotic s new book 'Broken Thrones' !

I will tell you now that it is VERY, good so far. The first chapter made me cry. It's a Larry Stylinson book about Louis taking the throne that was passed down by his father, up in the clouds, kind of like a kingdom. He faces difficulty in coming out to everybody while taking the throne and being with Harry.




My eyes flutter open, as I stare at my ceiling. That was such a nice slumber. I go to lean up but realize I have a body on me. I groan and roll my eyes as if I remember who was an annoying prick last night begging to cuddle.


I look down, and he's sprawled on my body, his head on my stomach as his arms wrap around my torso. The rest of his body is in between my legs.

God this is awkward.. How do you wake up a drunk hungover demon that is laying on top of you..

I really never thought I would ask myself that. Ever..

I sit for a bit and ponder, staring at him as he is slightly breathing, his mouth gaped open a little bit. Fuck! Zayn didn't grab a glass of water to set by when he wakes up!

(For people who don't know; after getting drunk, in the morning you always want water by the bed because your mouth will taste like absolute SHIT, water will make it go away)

I hear pattered footsteps around the house. "Liam!" I whisper out loud, trying to not wake Zayn. The foot steps stop, and slowly come my way. Eventually a very sleepy Liam has coffee in his hand and bed head hair. His puffy eyes try to stay open as he wipes then with his hand.

His eyes avert from Zayn then to me, and back to Zayn. Shaking his head, he starts to walk away.

"Liam stop!" I whisper. He grunts and walks back towards me.

"What." He whispers, rubbing his face.

"Get Zayn a glass of water so his mouth won't taste nasty when he wakes up." I whisper.

"What, are you his mum now?" Liam snaps. "Get your own damn water." He starts to walk away but I fiercely grab his hand, pulling him back.

"Listen here fuck face, you wouldn't want an angry hungover demon laying on your body when you woke up either so it's either you help me or living hell will be raised in this house." I snap.

Wow- where did that come from.. Is Zayn rubbing off on me already?

Liam shuffles from foot to foot. Pondering. "Fine." He whispers, "Hold my coffee." He hands me the coffee, and disappears back into the kitchen.

I take a sip of the coffee and hear the sink turn on.

I really hope my mum isn't home yet. She would freak if she saw Zayn laying on me. If she even can see him.. Then it would be weird trying to explain why I cant get up. I honestly just want to go back to sleep and forget everything. Waking up is a nightmare for me, every god damn day. It's rather the opposite, instead of having nightmares in your dreams, I have nightmares in real life. Ones I can't explain, example A, Demons who are annoyingly attached to me. Why did Liam even have to tell me about this second world they have. I would be so much more happy.

The sink turns off and Liam tip toes to me with a glass of ice water. We trade cups, and he rushes back into my room, shutting the door. I guess he doesn't want to be here when the devil himself wakes up, literally.

I hold the glass and start running my hands through Zayns hair. "Zayn." I whisper. For a demon, his hair is really soft..I slightly scratch his head and he smiles. I can't help but giggle. "Zayn wake up!" I say louder.

"Mmf." Zayn groans, turning his head.

"Please Zayn, you're on me." I pull at Zayns hair.

Quickly, his head rushes up and his puffy eyes look up at me. He looks at my stomach than me again. Trying to get up fast, he falls off the couch and onto the ground.

He groans, rubbing his head. "Did we?" He points his finger at me then himself.

"No?" I furrow my eyebrows.

He sighs in relief. I almost feel offended..

I hand him the glass of water. He hesitantly takes it and drinks it, staring at me. Setting it on the floor. He stands up. Awkwardly he scratched his head and looked around.

"Are you hungover?" I laugh. Who knew demons could get hungover. You would figure they would have control over stuff like that.

"Shut the fuck up." He spat. I contain my giggle as he makes his way into the kitchen. Grabbing some pills, he throws some back, walking over back to me, he drinks his water and swallows. "Why did I wake up on you?" He kneeled beside me. His eyes avert to my leg and the patch on my side, his face falls and becomes hard and pale, probably remembering what he did.

"You asked to sleep on the couch." I mutter. Leaning up.

"You should've stopped me." He rolls his eyes. "Waking up to you is like a living hell all over again." He runs his fingers through hair.

I shut my mouth and get a twist in my stomach. I purse my lips to keep from saying anything. I look down and bite my lip from crying. Okay- that one hurt.

"You wouldn't stop begging." I whisper. "I guess next time I'll just shove a wooden stick through your heart and maybe you'll get it then."

Zayn clears his throat and looks down. He bites his bottom lip and nods. "Okay." He says, getting up. He starts to walk away, and into the basement.

"Where are you going?" I stand up, looking after him. Who gave him permission to walk around my house?

Taking steps backwards, he furrows his eye brows. "To freshen up?" He snaps, as if I were stupid. "Dumb arse." He scoffs.

"There's a bathroom right there." I point to the bathroom. I look out the window and notice my mums not home. "And it's just me you and Liam. So you can shower up here." I stand up and start to fold the blanket angrily.

"Since when do you order me around?" He snaps, stepping towards me.

"It's my house-"

Within a second he speeds over to me in a blur.

Pushing me on the couch, he slams his hands on either side of my head, leaning over. "You bitch, this is my house, my rules, just because you're crippled doesn't mean I'm treating you any different. So shut the fuck up." He snaps, glaring at me with black filled eyes now. I roll my eyes and nod, looking away. "If Liam were not here, I would beat the shit out of you all over again." He scoffs, walking towards the basement. He disappears in, and slams the door.

I look down and a tear slides down my cheek. I hear a knock at the door and quickly stand up, wiping my under eyes. I breath in. I can't be crying, I don't want any questions.

I rush over to the door and open it. Silence takes over as I take a sharp breath in. Oh god.

"Hey." The dimpled boy looks up, his emerald eyes traveling my face with sympathy.

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