Chapter Eight

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You know what? Fuck it. I'm done trying to be nice to guys. They always seem to run when you need them the most yeah? I'd just think to see if Liam was truly there. Guess not. I knew this fucking place was all full of shitty people anyway.

I stop and look around, the feeling of being watched starts to take over again. You know when you're left all alone somewhere? Without all your friends or mum? And that gut feeling that burns your face starts to take over? Yeah, that's what I'm feeling.

I take a deep breath. This can't be real. This can't be bloody real. I'm in a coma. I'm sleeping. I'm- maybe I'm dead but there is NO, way in hell this is real. It's too cliché? Way too cliché! What's going to happen next? I die?

Turning off the light I close the bathroom door and rush out. I just felt like something was going to grab me if I didn't run... Picking up my pace I stand in the living room, where it's full of light and windows. A heavy weight is lifted off my shoulders and I lay on the couch. We don't have the damn TV set up yet so.. I guess I could just listen to music?

I put in my head phones and start to play my music. Nodding my head to the beat, I slowly start to fall asleep. Wow, long day already and it's only, I pull put my phone again. Two thirty? I must have slept for a long time?

I close my eyes, as they get heavier, I feel myself drifting off to sleep.


"MARS!" The irritating voice calls my name. I lean up and un plug my ear phones. Pulling out my phone, I look at the clock.

"Five fourty five?" I grunt out loud.

"Hell yeah it's Five Fourty Five! You've been sleeping forever!" My mum calls again, throwing groceries on the table like she usually does.

I moan and lay back down. "What did you buy?" I manage to croak out dryly, throwing my forearm over my eyes.

"Just food, new plates. Stuff like that!"

"Oh." I groan.

"Oh and a Ouija Board!" She giggles.

"What?" I lean up. "Seriously?" I take the blanket off of me- wait. When did I get a blanket on me? "Mum did you put a blanket on me?"

"Yes really, yes seriously, and no, I didn't put a blanket on you silly." She giggles, pulling out groceries and putting them away.

I must have done it and forgot about it.

"Where's the board?" I step into the kitchen, searching the bags.

"Out in the car." She smiles and I groan. Dragging my feet over dramatically, I step out the door and down the driveway.

Digging in the back of my mums car, I find the board. I smile and pull it out. Wow, do I want to use this.

"Hey!" A raspy voice springs from behind.

I turn around to a really tall guy jogging towards me. He has brown wavy hair, and tight black skinny jeans, with a white v-neck and black converse. And also an airplane neck less hanging down? Weird already.

"Hi." I say, slamming the trunk close. I gather the bag and stare at him as he puts his hands on his hips, rocking back and fourth giving me a dimply smile and taking large breaths. I look down and back up.

"Oh I'm Harry!" He says stepping forward, holding out his hand, still with a cheeky smile.

"Um, Marley." I force a smile and high five him, walking past.

"Hear you're the new girl!" His voice travels from behind me, as if it's following me. I grunt.

"Yep." I say popping the 'p' at the end.

"Who's she!" I hear an awkward voice come up behind. More people, really, honestly? I'm so done. Get out of my drive way.

I turn around and smile. "Hey I'm Marley! I'm the new girl and I'm so fucking happy to be here. How about you all come in-fucking-side?" I say sarcastically.

"Sure!" The other lad runs past me but Harry grabs him by the shirt and pulls him back hard.

"She was joking idiot." He grumbles. "Sorry if we made you mad?" He puts his hands up in defense and starts to walk away.

His friend looks down with a sad face and turns around with Harry, looking back one last time, the other lad gives me puppy eyes, and I break.

"Wait." I grunt. "I'm sorry, I just woke up, long story don't ask. Sure, come inside I was just about to go eat then play with the Ouija board. Care to join?" I force a smile.

Harry puts his hands on his hips and bites his lip. He looks down at his friend and the blonde lad looks up with pleading eyes.

"Okay." He huffs, catching up to me.



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