Chapter Twenty Two

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Thank you to all the people who has messaged me and been supporting me! I love you. xx



I'm not even going to bother asking why Louis put up the guard by the door. I would assume for my safety, or maybe Liam told him. Either way, I'm safe, so I'm happy. Yet I can't help but worry about Liam's safety, that thing could arise and lurk around the house while Liam is sleeping.. I worry too much. Definitely going to start growing grey hairs soon.

"Okay well," I look around the house. There are still some boxes needing to be unpacked but I'll get to that after I'm cleaned. "- I'm going to take a quick shower, um- make yourself at home but don't touch anything.." I look around even more, then back to Louis awkwardly.

"Of course. I mean, it is your, house right?" He chuckles.

What's so funny?

"Y-yeah." I answer questionably.

"You literally reek like shit." He scoffs, jumping on the sofa.

I purse my lips, and turn on my heels. That's my sign to hop in the shower already. I seriously need a vacation already. I didn't sign up for this shit.


I get out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. My hair drips and I quickly look out the bathroom door. No sign of Louis, he's not on the couch. God damn it. I don't make an effort to even look in the mirror. I'm not ready for that.

I sigh and run from my the bathroom to my room. I barge open the door, that Liam gladly fixed, and find someone's back to me. He's tall, his hair is almost black, and it's definitely not Louis. He's wearing a leather jacket and black jeans, with black chucks. Yet I'm standing here in my towel.

"Much better." He turns around, fiddling with a glass doll. "You smell much better." He flicks his eyes up at me and my mouth drops.

It's Zayn.



I hear the front door close and my muscles relax. I've been so tense lately and all I really need is to relax. I walk out the room and find another room downstairs with a bed and nightstand. I really don't want to be in the other room.. I sit on the bed and run my hands through my hair. I can't help but wonder what I said to Marley. She looked really disturbed, I feel so embarrassed. I really didn't know what was going on, all I saw was black, and I heard muffles. It's like I was trapped in the body of someone else's mind. Completely terrifying. I guess all that matters is that it's over now, right? I guess I just don't know what got into me. That's only the second time that has happened. I'm scared of him myself, and yes I mean him as in me, I'm scared of myself because it's like I have a dark passenger that takes me over whenever it pleases. I hate it.

Sighing, I lay back on the bed, throwing my hands above my head. I need a quick rinse. I stand up and clench my fist, like always, black takes over and my feet hit the ground again. I open my eyes and I'm by the towel closet. I'm still getting use to this whole teleporting thing. All I ever did before I knew what my true powers were, was walk around my house, watching people move in, then move out. Some years I would get violent and throw things around, but I thought that was all I could ever do, until I got the admission to step out of the house. Every other day I would try, I would just bounce back, as if there was a clear wall, and one day, I just- stepped through. Finally Karen moved in and I decided to not mess with these people. They seemed really sweet and no matter how mad I got, I would always run to Zayns house and together, we would torture his guests. I just watched my now step mom, Karen mourn because she can't have children. I missed the outside world, and it broke my heart so I pretended to be a lost child that ran away from abusive parents, Karen gladly took me in, five years ago. She always repeats that I haven't changed a bit. And she's right.. I don't age..

I mind the thoughts and grab a towel and a glass of water, I step over the trail of black blood leading to the garage. I stop for a split second.. No I shouldn't. Louis wouldn't want me to..

Just do it Liam, just a quick peak. No harm done?

My dark passenger whispers. I put up no fight and sigh. Fine, okay I'll do it. I grunt and step back, walking towards the garage. I open the door quickly and my towel drops. My glass shatters and I can feel an energy.

Louis is sprawled out on the ground, cuffed to a pipe, he's rolling and groaning on the ground.

That means Zayn is with Marley.


My eyes widen and I grip my fist, teleporting wherever I can sense her the fastest.



"Zayn." I breath. Clenching my towel I can feel my heart race. "Where's Louis, how did you get in here?" My blood is pulsing.

"You fuck, I am Louis. You think you can run from me that fast? You think it's that easy?" He clenched his fist and the doll shatters in his hand. He chuckles and slowly walks over to me. "You're a peasant." He spits.

I feel the wind from the door behind me, and the door slams shut. I don't even bother opening it because I already know that I can't. I press my back to the door and take deep breaths. "You can't hurt me, Liam will kill you! You have no idea what he can do Zayn!" I try to warn him.

Zayn stops in his tracks and his mouth gapes open, a smirk starts to form and he laughs even harder. "You really don't know who I am do you?" He puts his hands on his hips and takes slow strides towards me. "Hi, I'm Zayn Malik, I'm a soul demon. I'm the strongest in miles and I rip bodies in half everyday for a warm up." He holds out his hand and I lose my breath.


"You're like Liam." I breath, feeling weightless. I start to feel light headed and my knees are getting more and more weak.

Zayn laughs and turns around, running his hand through his hair. "Ahh, Liam. That tiny little lad is just as weak as you are. He's a newborn. Only about 45 years dead."

"As opposing to what? A thousand years dead?" I snap back. Zayn turns around and his eyes swell over with black. Veins appear fast and his skin starts to smoke. All that happened ten times faster than Liam's has ever done. Zayn turns almost a white color and he steps forward. His boots shake the house with each step now, as if he was heavier than 2000 tons.

"Darling, I'm not explaining anything to you besides the rules. You are living in my house, by my rules at ALL, times." He whispers in my face. His breath fogs, and he's so cold.

I purse my lips and nod. Zayn looks me up and down and I feel a ball in my throat. Biting his lip, he takes my hand.

"Sit on the bed." Zayn orders.

"No." I refuse, I need to get out of the house. I turn around to open the door, but feel a force on my waist. I flew across the room and hit my wall. Pain spreads through out my body and I lean over, spitting up a metallic taste, blood. I can't breath and my sight is losing. I gasp for air as Zayn stomps his way over to me

"What the FUCK, did I just tell you!" He screams in my face. "Huh? What did I say you fucking human!?" He kicks my side and I fall over, clutching my ribs. Kicking hard again, I hear a pop, and I scream in pain.

"Stop." I whisper out in pain, I can't breath. My voice is gone and it's like there are invisible hands around my throat. I feel liquids drip from my nose and I spit up blood.

"TELL ME!" He screams in my ear, I scrunch my face as his voice rings in my ear. My sobs come out in breathy takes and I'm gasping for air.

"Fucking worthless." He scoffs. Picking up my arm, he throws me on the bed. I scream in pain as he throws me on my ribs, I think something is broken. My thoughts are racing and my vision is moving slow.

I close my eyes, and open them. Zayns back is to me as he looks through my clothes. I close my eyes again, and black takes over. Slowly opening them, Zayn is in front of me. He throws a set of clothes on my face. "Get the fuck dressed." He spits. I roll over on my side, and watch as Zayn leaves the room, not looking back.

I spit up blood and fall onto the floor.

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