Chapter Sixteen

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Sorry for the late updates, school has got me going insane. I hope you understand. xx


I sigh. Today is going to be a long terrible horrible day, I know it is. My head already hurts and whatever Liam did with his little fairy princess magic shit, made my stomach hurt. Not like a nausea hurt, more like a cramp hurt plus the nausea.

Mr. Marshall walks into the room as the last bell rings, making sure to slam the door.

"Good morning class!" He says in a yipped voice, making my head hurt worse than it already does. Ugh.
Nobody says anything back. He slams the papers on the desk and looks up. "I said good morning class!" He yells. The other side of the school can probably hear this guy. He's quite energetic for being up this early..

Everyone mumbles morning, not including me. Fact one, never will It ever be a 'good' morning in Bradford. I hate it here. Fact two, I, hate, school.
"So!" Mr. Marshall chirps up. "For the first assignment in this ever so wonderful class today," He chuckles. "I will be playing a movie. A scary movie at that. So sit with your friends, pull your phone and relax. We have no work today." He slams his fist on the table and I smile. The whole class cheers a bit and I smile. I actually needed this. No introduction of the new kid or anything.

I think I might like this guy. Liam gets out of his seat, as does everyone else, moving and talking to their friends. Walking to one row over, Liam sits in the very back, next to this dude behind me. They smile forcefully and sigh, awkwardly playing with the desks. Liam probably knows this kid. I flail my arms up at Liam, giving him the, 'what the hell dude' motion. He can't just ignore me now?

"C'mere." Liam waves his hands over, I debate it for a bit. Should I? Yeah, I kind of want at least one friend today.. I hop over the seat, not caring, and walk over to Liam. Grabbing my waist he forces me on his lap. I fall and start to giggle. The class doesn't even notice us back here as the lights go out and the projector turns on.

"Li-" I giggle, but get cut off.

With a loud and monstrous cough, the kid next to Liam shoots him a glare, slamming his hands on the table after covering his mouth. His eyes are like daggers at Liam. I jump at the outbreak as the kids eyes seem darker than before, just from what I can see in the dark, not black like Liam's get, but a very, dark brown.
Chuckling slightly, Liam lets me go. "Marley, this is-"
"Zayn." Zayn interrupts, holding out his hand, smirking. He adverts his eyes towards me and I literally feel a jolt of energy rush through me.

"Zayn." I repeat. "I like it." I smirk and nod. What a simple, yet intriguing name. I feel like I've heard it before.

"Thanks.." He awkwardly shakes my hand, eyes beaming from my lips to my eyes, clearly traveling my face. "Why don't you pull up a desk, or something.." He shakes his head and grabs the desk in front of him, lifting it up and in between Liam and Zayn.

"Damn." I mutter under my breath. I laugh. Wow, this guy must really have his life figured out, all strong and shit.
He chuckles nervously, hiding the bruises on his knuckles under the sleeves of his black sweat shirt.
Patting the seat of the chair, he grabs my hand. "Sit." He enforced. I notice Liam watching every move he makes, even if that mean moving up in his seat to see Zayn around me. I sit down in between the two boys. I must look like a slut..

Zayn coughs and Liam quickly shoots him a glare, whipping his head around. Zayn laughs and Liam sighs, shaking his head at Zayn.

I try to ignore what's going on, but I can't. I just can't. I can see Zayn smirk at Liam, shooting him a wink. Liam slams his fist on the desk and quickly pulls it off, rubbing his face and through his hair as a stressed middle aged man would do. Zayn chuckles and I can't hold it in.

"What's going on?" I slightly say as if I'm not intrigued by their actions, when I so very am.

"Don't worry 'bout it." Zayn mumbles, smirking with his arms crossed. Shooting Liam one last glance, he bites his lip, looking Liam up and down.

Sexual much?

Liam rushes out of his chair and up to Mr. Marshall's desk. He mumbles something, teacher nods, and Liam is out the door, slamming it behind him.
In almost an outburst, Zayn plummets over his desk in laughter. I slightly laugh, really confused of what just happened..I look around the room, nobody seems to care. What the hell?

"I said don't worry about it." Zayn slowly stops laugh and sighs, muttering these words, not making eye contact with me.

"I didn't say anything.." I snap back.

"You have a loud- I can tell you're worrying about it.." He smirks.

"No you can't." I look up at the screen.

"Yeah, yeah I can." He snaps back, scoffing.

"Why so sure?" I turn in my seat, glaring at him.

"Don't worry about it." He scoffs again, still not making eye contact.

Smart ass.

"Shut the hell up." He mutters, shaking his head.

"I didn't say anything?" I raise my voice. Unless I said that out loud.. He shushes me, looking around the room. I look around too, but don't notice anything. I turn and look back at Zayn, he motions his fingers in a 'come here' motion.

I slowly lean forward, right until Zayns stubble tickles my ear, he takes a deep breath, cupping his mouth.


BUM BUM BUMMM. What's Zayns secret? (;

What do you think Zayns secret is? Try and guess! If one of you hits around the right area, I'll update again tonight babes. xx

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