Chapter Fourteen

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The shower curtain bursts open as I'm clinging to my lady parts to hide as much as possible, pinned against the wall, only to see;


I look around the bathroom. "Liam?" I call out. Hearing a loud crash outside the bathroom, as if a war was going on, I step back. "Liam!" I call out real loud. Can he turn invisible?! No. Fuck no. Closing the curtain, I hear another loud bang, as if something was being thrown around. With the nervousness getting to me, I condition my hair fast and hop out of the shower, wrapping myself up fast, I finish fixing the towel for my hair.

"And don't you ever think about it again!" A hoarse voice rings through out the house, and, I honestly can't tell if it's Liam or- well, it's a man. I know that. A mad man.

"I wasn't going to I sw-" That sounded like Liam, but his voice was cut off by a thud. Is someone in my house?!

Opening the door with as much force as possible, I slightly jog out into the living room, where Liam is at the bottom of the wall, and a hole is right above him. Five feet away stands a figure in black jeans, shirt, and converse, with tattoos raiding all throughout his body. Covering almost every inch that is visible. That's not Harry, or Niall, or Liam. Liam is on the ground and-

Quickly he turns around and his eyes are swollen and dropped black, his pale skin fades along with his tiny blue veins, his face softening, quickly he breaths and disappears, morphing into atoms of the thin air.

"Fuck." Liam groans, holding his neck as he pushes himself off the ground.

Looking left, then back to Liam, my mouth finally speeches some words after hanging open for what seemed like hours. "What the fu-"

"I'll tell you later, get dressed now, we have to leave." He snaps, sitting on the couch, he leans over and holds the back of his neck, burying himself into his knees.

"My wall-"

"Now!" His voice rings loudly, shaking the house. I shutter with a nod and run back into my room.

What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. I rush into the folded clothes and pull out my regular black skinny jeans. I throw on a white tank top with some Ashley's Secret design then put on a black and white varsity jacket over that. Pulling the towel out of my hair I quickly blow dry it as fast as I can. Liam can hold his balls because I WILL, look good. After I'm done with that I slip on my all black converse. Images pop into my head of the man in my living room. All black converse. Shaking it off I apply foundation, powder, -so I don't look greasy- and along with mascara then go. I think with the all black outfit, the eyeliner would be to much.

Rushing out of the room, I grab my already packed bag and go. I walk into the living room and Liam is standing against the frame of the front door, glaring at me. "What?" I snap.

"Get in the fucking car." He squints his eyes and turns to walk out in the drive way, slamming the door. Taking a huff, I decide to not let it bother me. He's just mad, I understand. Walking out the front door, I hop in, what I'm assuming, Liam's four door all black jeep. Shiny too, it seems lifted.

Shutting the door, he squeals out and onto the road. A few minutes pass by before I decide to question what the actual fuck went on this morning.

"Liam." I quietly say.

"What?" He snaps, clenching his fist on the steering wheel.

"What is your deal?" I snap back. If he is going to be a fucking dick like this then I'll stand up for myself. I'm tired of it already.

"My deal is fucking you-" Veins slowly rise from his neck. "you and him both fucking- GAH!" He slams his fist on geht steering wheel, hard, to top snaps and the car halts to a stop. My heart beats slowly, but loudly, as his leans forward, leaning on what's left of the steering wheel. All you can hear is his rapid breathing. "I'm sorry." He mumbles.

"It's okay." I whisper, clenching my bag. He rips off the top of the shattered steering wheel and throws it out the window, moving forward again. I was going to say something about littering but- now isn't the time. Keeping his hands low on the wheel, he huffs.

"I'm sorry." I repeats. "I shouldn't have been like that, I can't control it." He shakes his head, running one hand through his hair.

"It's okay."

"Is it really?" He furrows his eyebrows. "Is it really ever okay? You shouldn't know about this, humans shouldn't know but something got over me and I couldn't help myself and- and-" He huffs, closing his eyes. "If you let anyone know about this, your whole family will die. I'll die, anyone who has ever known or cared about you, will die. Your records will be erased as if nobody even knew you were alive, as if you never even existed. You can't- you won't, let this effect you or who you are, got it?" He finished, I swallow and gulp. He nods at me and huffs again. "I've put you in so much danger Mars. You don't even know."

"It's fine." I say, avoiding the whole, 'it's okay.' Phrase.

Pulling into what seems like the High-school parking lot, Niall and Harry come into view, I slightly smile, but their faces turn away quickly, frightened, and the put their heads down, walking faster away.

I look over at Liam and he's already glaring at me.

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