Chaper Ten

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Sorry for the slow update, school started and it's really hard for me to update this because I'm usually so tired after school, and by the time I wake up, it's 10 pm.

Really sorry. Comment on this chapter for another huge update. Love you all. xx



"U-u-uh okay um." I stutter. Never in a million years did I actually think these things worked. "N-Niall I swear if you did that-"

"Why does everyone blame me? Maybe it's fuckin' Harold!" Niall raises his other hand. Harry quickly does the same and reached over, punching Niall in the shoulder. "Ow! What'd you do that for?"

Harry rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Let's continue." He looks up through his eyelashes, giving off a heavy smirk, his right dimple showing so deeply. His dark hair pulled back shines in the moon light. His skin looks so smooth, before I can continue my thoughts, Niall speaks out.

"Why are you haunting this house?" Niall says with a slight attitude.

"Be nice." I snap at him.

"It's a ghost." He tilts his head.

"It has feelings?" I tilt my head too.

"He's dead!?" His voice raises.

"He's still communicating?!" I raise my voice back, leaning up. Not only will this Irish lad respect me, but he will respect the house too, and whatever is lurking in this house. I don't know, maybe I'm going crazy. I'm sticking up for something that has tried to kill me multiple times. I sigh.

"He's still communicating." Niall repeats my words under his breath in an annoying voice.

The board shakes a bit, and the candles in the corner of my room go out. Quickly Harry and I both pick our feet up off the ground and do the criss-cross.

"B-" the cursor moves. We all talk together, readings out the letters until it's finished. "E-A-C-A-U-S-E." It finished, and we all look up.

"Because?" Harry dips his head. "Because what?" He struggles being on the bed, with how large he is he can barley even fit his finger on the cursor either. How can a man look so scary but also like the sweetest thing ever? I just don't get it. We look down at the board again and wait for about another minute.


"I can..?" Niall laughs. "Sassy." He grins wide and longs out the 's' in sassy.

"Why have you tried to kill me all these times? What is your obsession with me? It hasn't even been a month." I speak as if the spirit it right in front of me. I just feel comfortable around it- is that weird?

All the letters spell out, "Wasn't me."

"Then who was it?" I snap back quickly.

I hear a pan drop from the kitchen but ignore it.

"Stop." The board spells out quickly, with a lot of force behind the cursor.

"Who!" I almost yell. The board shakes, I look out the window and the lamp light is flickering.

"He's here." Was its last words. The board flys across the room, the lamp light breaks loud enough for me to hear it, my door starts rattling.

"Who's here what does he mean? Marley who's here!" Harry stands, backing up while averting his eyes from me to the door. "Marley who the fuck his here!" His voice raises just above the door rattling noise. It's so loud. I shake me head.

No, not now. Not here please. No no. I close my hands over my ears and shake my head. The noise is so loud. The rattling is so loud. It sounds like a million gun shots against my door.

"Go away!" I scream at the door, barley loud enough for Niall or Harry to look at me. "Go the fuck away fucking leave!" I scream again. The door rattles as louder than ever, then stops. Everything has seemed to stop in motion.

Harry takes one step and the door flys off its hinges, making me scream at the top of my lungs. My ears ring and I can feel liquid seep from my nose. Two shadows stand in the door way. Harry scrambles back and Niall backs up against the wall. Both shadows step in the room, and each lamp- that wasn't even on -explodes. The ringing gets louder and I hide my head in the covers. I can feel the cold radiance from the -things-. I can still feel blood dripping into my sheets, but I don't care.

"Go away!" Harry shouts in a raspy voice. "Go-" Quickly he's cut off, I look up to see what happened, and my mouth drops of shock.

"Harry!" Niall screams.

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