Chapter Nine

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Also go check out the book "Demon Days"

ITS SO GOOD I READ IT ALL DAY. And weird part about it is, it only has 6k reads! It should have 60k reads!



I step inside hearing two sets of footsteps behind me, slowly thumping.

"Wow." Harry breaths. "I've never actually been in the horror house."

"What do you mean?" I scrunch my eyebrows and turn around. You mean that this 'house' is actually known? No, I'm so done.

"He means that this house is fucking creepy!" The blonde chirps in. I watch as their eyes roam the house, taking in every detail.

Harry shuts the door behind us, and my mum peaks out the kitchen.

"New friends!" She chirps. Really mum? Do you have to embarrass me like that? Never will I ever accept any 'Bradford Bad Boys' as my friend. I hate this town.

"Nope, just- people." I roll my eyes, walking back to my room.

"Hiii Marleys mum." Harry says nervously and then walks behind me. I feel the air getting thick, like, as if it's getting hard to breath. It must be the AC problems because for as long as I've been here, it hasn't gotten this bad. I walk in my room and turn to flip my light on, but it doesn't work. I mentally laugh, fuck this. I try to flip it on again but it stays dark.

"It's okay, ghosts don't like the light any way." Harrys voice booms from behind me. I almost forgot he was even there.

I just shrug and jump on my bed. Harrys tall figure lingers around my room, picking up random stuff. His eyes avert from different objects in my room, and slowly but surely, the freak makes it to my bed. He sits down, making the springs creak and the bed dip. Wait, where's the blonde lad?

Just in time, the kid rushes through my door like he's already been my friend for years. I already have a queasy feeling about this kid. I can't help but notice that he has two tacos in each hand. And stuff falling out of his mouth.

"Okay?" I say rather rude. He shuts my door with his foot and walks over to my bed, sitting down. Yet he is rather attractive, I would have to say he's not my type. Nor is Harry.

Why hasn't a girl showed up, is this town full of fucking guys or some shit? I would at least like a girl friend. Not like that, but- you know.

"Creepy room dude." He mumbles, taking another bite of what I'm guessing is my mums tacos.

"So!" Harrys voice snaps me back to him. He smiles, his dimples showing and his green eyes sparking off the moon light. The shadows of his face bring out every sculpted feature of him, his messy brown hair falls closely to his temples, his perfect white teeth. Okay, maybe this kid is my type.

"You look like you want to devour my friend Marley." The blonde kid chirps up, and I look down. Harry let's out a chuckle along with his friend as I try to hide my, might I mention, idiotic, smile.

"Don't hide it, I can tell you love me." Harry smirks, giving off that douche squint with his eyes while he takes his bottom lip in between his teeth. I mentally crumble until he falls off the bed.

"What the fuck Niall!" So that's his name.

"I didn't do it dude!" Niall scrunches his eyebrows and I can't help but laugh.

"This isn't funny. Don't fucking push me again." Harry growls, picking himself up off the floor as he sits back on my bed.

"I'm tellin' you mate. It wasn't me. I swear on my refrigerator!" He puts his hands up in defense and I can't help but laugh at the two.

"You guys look like dumb and dumber." I smirk, averting my eyes between the two.

"I'm not even going to ask what the bloody hell that is." Harry chuckles. "Let's get to the stupid board thingy."

"Don't insult the board dipshit." I spit while pulling out the board.

I lay it flat on my bed and put the curser looking thing in the middle. I look nervously from Niall to Harry, then wipe my hands on my pants. If I'm going to die tonight, then at least let a copy of Channing Tatum be in heaven, PLEASE.

"Ready?" Harrys smirks and Niall sets down his tacos. We both nod, and all of us set a finger on the cursor.

"Wait." I interrupt. "If one of you shits mess around with me, and practically move the curser, then I will fucking rip your throat out and break all your fingers. Then I will shoot out your knee caps and rip all your fingernails off, got it?" I smile warmly.

With a straight face, Harry gulps and they both nod.

"Good." I say warmly.

I huff and close my eyes. I really don't want to do this but, I mean, what else is going to fucking explain that demonic black figure always trying to kill me. I actually not even scared anymore, it's getting on my damn nerves. And talk about that weird kid Liam? What the hell is up with him? Whatever. Do your job Marley and hurry up while you're at it.

"Spirit, if you are here, highly doubt you are but, if you are, please answer. Are you with us spirit?" I say quietly and I hear Niall giggle. I look at him and his face goes straight, and he stares at the board.

It's so quiet I can hear Harrys breath. It grows shorter and shorter until he takes one big final breath, I look at him then the board.

Our fingers move to. "Yes."

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