Chapter Eighteen

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Stay tuned for a Question of the chapter, at the end of this chapter!

Prize guaranteed for whoever guesses right first!



"L-Liam why are we here." I look out the window; trying to find a home or a cabin. Something where someone is.

"Does it matter?" I hear a click and look down. He locked the doors. There are no buttons on my side of the car to unlock it, this car was custom made. By Liam.

"Stop Liam." I gulp and look down, rubbing my arm. It's bruised where Liam gripped it too hard.

"Am I scaring you?" He whispers. It's like his voice echoes in my ear and I feel my stomach twist.

"Liam unlock the door." I mutter, trying to keep my cool. I grip the handle and pull it, still locked. Liam wouldn't hurt me I know he wouldn't he's not like that.

"What makes you so sure that I wouldn't hurt you, Marley?" He clicks off his seat belt, and starts to crawl to my side of the car. "What if-" He straddles me in the car , hand on the head of the chair, on either side of my head. "I planned to kill you." He Whispers. My world goes black and I fade into muffles sounds.

I'm dying.


I hear muffled voices, and start to peep my eyes open. The room is white, book shelfs cover the walls and I'm laying on a very modern white couch. Leaning up, a voice booms.

"She's up." The voice chirps. It's not Liam's, this voice is, smooth. It's sort of, angelic.

I rub my head as the pounding blares in my mind. "Gah." I grunt, squeezing my eyes shut, gripping the sides of my head. It hurts so damn bad.

"Give her the pills." The voice says. Everything is blurry. Some black figure shoves pills in my mouth, then water right after. Everything is hazy, blurry, I have no control. Within the next 5 minutes of my head pounding, I lift it up out of my lap, everything is mostly clear now. Liam is on the opposite side of the couch, eyes big, not black, but big, bottom lip puckered out. He looks like a scared puppy.

"You." I whisper. Standing up I fast walk over to him. "What did you do to me!" Arms grip my shoulders but I continue walking. "You tried to kill me!" My head starts to pound but my vision starts to blur, not from the pills, but my tears. "Why did you try to kill me I trusted you!" I whimper, struggling in the arms of my holder.

"Marley I didn't-"

"You didn't what!? Want me alive? Very fucking clear I don't want to be alive either why didn't you just kill me!" My crus turn into sobs, and I fall back into the chest of my holder. He lets go of my upper arms, pulling me to his chest. I breath in between sobs drastically.

Why am I sobbing in this strangers chest? His hold is tight, forcing me to hug him back, I give up and put my arms around his neck, my face in his chest. I'm so over whelmed and I just need a good cry. Nothing is right.

"Marley I didn't try and kill you, you don't understand." I hear Liam mutter from across the room.

I don't respond. Still silently crying. The stranger lets loose, and I pull back, looking him up in the eyes. They're a dark shade of blue, his feathery hair flys in different directions and his face is well structured. He's wearing a blank tank with black skinny jeans and converse.

Pursing my lips I look away, and over to Liam. "What did you do to me."

"I just-" Liam pauses, scratching his head.

"Liam, tell her." The man chirps in.

"Okay I gave you a shot so you would calm down because if I didn't you would put up a fight and I didn't want to deal with your shit I was at a sensitive state I couldn't handle another fight with you because I know I would hurt you so now we are here I'm sorry." He finishes in one breath, looking like a sad puppy.

"Why are we here, where is here?" I cross my arms. I'm starting to get the chills. I shuffle on my feet, still sniffling.

"That doesn't matter."

"Liam yes it does." I nod my head.

"Marley calm down. You're okay, okay?" Liam walks over slowly. "You're not dead. You're not hurt." He rubs my arm, pulling me into a hug. I gladly accept and hug back.

"I'm so scared Liam." I mutter into his leather jacket. It reeks of a manly smell.

"I know." He whispers.

"You could've just told me."

"I know." Liam puts up no fight, pulling me closer before letting go.

Looking me in the eyes, he frown sympathetically, before grabbing my hand and dragging me to a marble, glass filled kitchen. This place is so nice.

"There are some things we need to go over." Liam pulls out a black chair before letting me sit down. Effortlessly, he pushes the chair back in. Next to me, he sits down, and across the table, the man is already sitting.

He's not a shabby looking guy, his cheekbones are high, lips, pretty nice. His teeth are straight and his dark ocean blue eyes are like pure ice. His feathery brown hair brings his tanned skin out and the tattoos on his arm stand out under his tank top.

Snapping back into reality I nod at Liam. "Like what?" I ask.

The man gulps, and Liam nods. Sighing, the man rubs his temples.

"Zayn Malik." He breaths, closing his eyes.


Two chapters in one night you guys really owe me you don't even know. (;

Question of the chapter: Who do you think the 'man' is?

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