"I told you I'd come to see you every chance I get didn't I?" 

"You did. Now how long do I have you for?"

"Just today I'm afraid." which just made her playfully pout. God I swear everything she does is sexy. 


I had just landed not too long ago and already made my way through baggage claim. Now walking out of the terminal exit I was met by a large group of fans and my smile just widened. 

"Oh my god! We're huge fans of yours Y/N." one of them said as I brought her into a hug. 

"Thank you," I hugged each one of them. "thank you so much for your support with everything."

"So how's the tour going?" 

"It's insane! So much fun and seeing all you guys is honestly the best part."

"It sucks we aren't gonna see you when you're back for the last Miami show." Oh no, we can't have that.

"Wait you guys aren't coming?"

"We couldn't get tickets." Turns out a bout a couple of them couldn't get any tickets which made me all upset and fuzzy.

"What are your names and twitter accounts?" They squeled when they realised I was going to organise for them to come to the show in a few months and also ende up following all the fans that were here in the airport waiting for me. 

"By the way, we totally ship you and Lauren together," one of them winked, I couldn't help but blush a little and that didn't go unoticed unfortunately. I can't control how my body reacts to certain things. "oh my god! She's totally blushing!" Oh shit.

"Holy crap are you two together?"

"No we're-" but before I could finish I heard my name being called out, an all too familiar, husky voice. We all turned and there she was, Lauren making her way towards me fast, almost running. She wasn't slowing down either and I'm pretty sure I know what's coming so I quickly put my luggage down beside me and caught her just in time. Her arms wrapped around my neck as her legs were wrapped around my waist. While I was extremely happy to see her again, I was suprised because I told her I was going to meet her and the girls later. That and the fact that she initiated this somewhat comprimising position at the moment

She pulled back a little before kissing me sweetly and I could here all the squeling from the fans around us, surely they were taking pictures of our exchange.

"I missed you." she whispered against my lips, I couldn't contain my grin, feeling absolutely in love, on cloud nine. We actually hadn't discussed going public with our relationship in months, me not wanting to push her into doing something she wasn't comfortable with being the main reason. So you can imagine my sudden suprise when she jumps in my arms and kisses me in public, where fans were taking pictures.

"Y/N. Y/N. Y/N!" I looked around and realised Lauren wasn't in fact in my arms, but instead she was by the exit, just arriving at the airport. Which made me also realise I had day dreamed that whole exchange with her. I couldn't help but feel sadened by this, I had gotten all excited and estatic about us being able to do things like that in public. However it appears we can't. I put on a fake smile and hugged her before we got in the car and drove off. 

We were heading back to Lauren's place, the plan was for me to stay with the Jaureguis for a few nights before I fly back to Australia. The whole flight here I was a tad nervous as I was going to meet them for the first time. Lauren had already informed them of our relationship and from what she's told me they have been nothing but supportive for her, genuinly happy for their daughter that she's found someone who makes her happy. 

However the car ride was a different story, I was silent and just stared out the window, zoning out here and there. My thoguhts were revolved around that day dream I had before at the airport and I couldn't help it too. I wanted to be happy because I was going to spend time with Lauren, but I just couldn't. 

"Hey, babe. Are you ok?" once again Lauren pulled me out of those negative thoughts. 

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm just a little jet lagged that's all." I could tell she wasn't completely buying it. 

"Are you sure it's nothing else?" I just sighed. Trying to come up with anything but the truth. 

"I'm just nervous, bout meeting your family." I answered with an uneasy smile, technically it was the truth, just not the whole truth. So technically it's not lying...right?

"They'll love you. Trust me." 


"Hey baby." Lauren greeted. I had about an hour to kill before I was set to peform so Lauren and I planned to face time each other.

"You seem happy."

"That's because I get to see your pretty face," she giggled. "I, also have some good news." 

"Sharing is caring Laur." 

"I told my family about us." she exclaimed.

"Wait, are you being serious?" Her smile broadened and she nodded without hesitation. I couldn't help but smile even more. The fact that she told her family that her and I are in a relationship is a big step for her. A step forward for our relationship, a step closer to finally going public. "How did they take it?" 

"Well they were a little suprised at first, but they are completely supportive of us. Y/N, the smile on their faces when I told them I was in love with someone, it was the happiest I've ever seen them. Then when I told them it was with a girl and that girl was you, their smiles didn't falter one bit," watching Lauren recount the event was something I couldn't describe. She's so happy and that honestly makes me happy. I know how worried she is about how people will react and having her family respond so well is a great boost in getting rid of those insecurities of hers. 

"Oh my parents said you have to come over the next time you're free so they can meet you. While Chris told me to say hi and how on earth I managed to snatch you up," More like how I managed to snatch you up Laure. "and Taylor said she loves your music and can't wait to meet you. 

"I can't wait either." 

"So you get a break soon right?"  I laughed a little because Lauren knows I get a month off for Christmas, which means she will probably want to ask me to come see her family then. 

"You know I do." I smirked. She blushed. 

"Come stay with me for a couple of days before you fly to see your family." 

"Are your parents-" 

"If you're gonna ask if my parents are ok with it, they are the ones who told me to ask you."  

"Well then, I'll be sure to make an impression then." 

"Don't stress too much about it babe. They've never let any one of my ex's stay with me, let alone offer." 

"That's because they know I can't get you pregnant." I joked, causing us to both burst out laughing. 

"Y/N! Omg I cannot believe you just said that!" Lauren said still laughing. 

"What? You know that's why," After our laughter died down I told Lauren I had to end our conversation cause I was about to go on stage. "I love you Laur." 

"i love you more Y/N." 

"i'll talk to you soon." 

"Bye babe."

AN: Hallooo! How's everyone going? Good I hope! :) here's another chapter, next one I'm updating will probably be a few chapters of HWCTB before I update this one again. i can't believe it's almost Christmas!!! Bummer though, no white Christmas here anytime soon :( anyways, as you guys know I don't spell check or proof read so sorry for any mistakes...I'm lazy ;) Also, if you ahven't worked out, the italic paragraphs are flashbacks! 


Roller Coaster - Lauren/YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin