Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Emily's POV.

Harry had stayed with me at the hospital until my session was over at about 4 in the evening.

He took me home as well, and not much talking was done in the car ride home.
I'm afraid that my thoughts were loud enough.

I don't want to tell the others. One, because I'd rather not break their hearts, and two because that means I'll eventually be exposed to the world since I'm living with them now.

It would be nice to stay in Mullingar by myself every once in a while, but I doubt Niall would allow it. Also, Greg hates my guts and wouldn't let me stay with him, his wife, and Theo for anything.

Sometimes it feels too empty in Niall and I's house. I just wish mum and dad were still here to keep us company.

My eyes shifted up towards the tv screen. The lads and I are watching some random movie, but I'm too engulfed in my thoughts at the moment.

I assume that Harry noticed this because he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, making Louis, who was resting his head on my shoulder, playfully glare at me and smirking before sitting up again.

I rested my head on Harry's shoulder and continued to zone out while I glanced towards the ground.

Ah man. I still haven't taken my medication.
Too bad I'm too comfortable to get up right now.
But I probably should still take it.

After the movie I will. I promise.

I closed my eyes and started to drift off as the tv sounds lulled me to sleep.


"Hey, the movies over." I felt a hand move the hair out of my face.

My eyes fluttered open to see Harry looking down at me with a light smile on his face and the rest of the guys standing up and stretching.

"What time is it?" I mumbled, shutting my eyes once again.

"Half past eight love." He answered in his soothing accent.

"Carry me to bed?" I asked as I stretched out my arms to him.

He chuckled, "'Course love."

He picked my up and held me bridal style and walked towards my room telling the others about how I was tired and they answered with 'goodnights' and I smiled lazily.

Harry gently laid me down on my bed, tucked me in, kissed my forehead, and asked "Anything you need Em?"

I need a working arm.
And my medication for tonight.

"My medication." I muttered into the sheets. I heard him leave and come back moments later with a glass of water and two pills.

I reluctantly sat up and took them, drinking the water after wards.

I set the glass of water on my bedside table and snuggled into the covers once again.

I could hear Harry laugh lightly before kissing my forehead again and whispering, "Good night love. Sweet dreams."

I drifted off into a deep sleep as he closed the door.

Sleep is what I need.

Maybe it'll make me feel better too.


I woke up around seven the next morning and scrolled through my text messages in bed.

Most were from my friends just checking in on me. I replied to all of them but one from Zoe caught my eye.

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