Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

I picture Emily as Carey Mulligan

Emily's POV.

I watched the sky grow gloomier with dark clouds as I looked out the window of Niall's car.

We're about five minutes away from Joe and Caspar's flat and I'm a nervous wreck. Just thinking about how I'm going to tell them makes me want to vomit.

Niall on the other hand, looks like he's going to burst out into tears at any moment now. I feel so horrible for doing this to him.

I played with the strap of my overnight bag that Zoe told me to pack. We decided to make it a big sleepover thing because we all knew that we were going to stay late.
Niall was kind of weary about the idea, but I told him not to worry.

The rest of the lads, on the other hand, are at the flat in their rooms just thinking I suppose.
No one has really said anything after the decision I made.

We finally pulled up in Joe and Caspar's driveway and Niall turned off the engine and stared ahead blankly.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to him, "Would you like to come in and meet my friends?" I asked softly.

He simply nodded and we both proceeded to climb out of his car and walk towards the front door of the flat.
I knocked a couple of times and stood and waited.

We sat silently side by side until the door clicked open and a cheery looking Zoe greeted us.
"Hi Emmy! And is this Niall? Come in! Come in!"

We entered the spacious flat and smells of pizza and sounds of laughter filled my ears and nostrils.

Zoe and Niall introduced themselves as I glanced around the classy looking room. I can't believe that Joe and Caspar own this much white furniture. It's a miracle that they haven't stained anything yet.

I then heard footsteps nearing the entryway and smirked to myself, with Niall here, this should be fun with Louise.

"Emily!" they all greeted me and one by one gave me hugs and kisses on the cheeks. I said my hellos as well and gestured to Niall.
"Erm, this is my brother, Niall."

He gave a small wave and started doing that weird handshake things with the guys. Louise just stood there, stiff as a board, and stared at Niall.
Tanya did look a little fazed at first, but did step in and give my brother a welcoming hug.

I smiled and walked over to Louise, "And this is Louise. She's just a bit shy sometimes." I patted her shoulder lightly and her cheeks turned crimson.
The rest of the group laughed at my comment and I stood in front of Niall again to bid my goodbyes.

"Well, the lads are at home doing nothing so I think you should go and cheer them up." He smirked and pulled me in for a hug.

"Love you." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Love you too." I patted his back and drew back from our embrace.

"Nice meeting you all! Goodbye now!" he called to the rest of the group.

Everyone said goodbyes to him as he left and shut the door behind him.

Joe clapped his hands to get everyone's attention and smiled, "Now, shall we film some collabs?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, just let me eat something first, I'm starving."

Everyone laughed and Louis directed me towards some opened pizza boxes in the kitchen.

I sat down at the island started eating a slice of delicious cheese pizza and Caspar walked in and sat next to me on a barstool.
He had a worried look in his eyes, but have me that friendly smile of his anyways.
"How are you?" he asked.

Cureless (h.s)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें