Chapter 2

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At lunch

•The Puppeteer•
The bell rings, and i leap out of class, gleefully. Its finally lunch, where i can feed on the depression!
"BOO!" Someone yells, jumping out from behind a corner.
I scream, jumping, and i pant, catching my breath.
"Chess! What the fuck!" I yell.
He bursts out in laughter, falling to the floor and rolling around on it.
I kick him, "YOW!" He shrieks, jumping up, "the hell was that for?" He asks angrily.
I just shrug and walk away without saying anything. The Chess Master keeps yelling after me, but ignore him.
"Hi" someone behind me says, and i jump again, with a yelp.
"TOBY!" I scream angrily.
"All i said was hi" he says nervously.
"You scared me! Next time try to make me acknowledge you before you speak" i growl.
He shrugs, "anyways, you free tonight?" He asks, placing his goggles on his head and sliding his mask down, revealing his cut.
"Im always free" i say, nodding.
"Well Slender is inviting everyone over for dinner and a sleepover. Come if you want" He says, then disappears, leaving me comfused.
How does he just disappear into thin air like that?

•Jane The Killer•
I hear frantic muttering behind me, and i roll my eyes. Its probably the boys being idiots.
"Hey" Jeff says smoothly.
I glance up at him, his face somehow in a smirk.
"What do you want?" I ask him moodily.
"I just wanted to say how nice you look today" he says.
"Really" i say flatly. Only the first day of school and this dudes already trying to flirt with me.
"I really like your dress" he gave.
"You fricking gave it to me" i say, clenching my fists.
"Y-your skin is pearly white" he tries.
"Because you burnt me" i say through gritted teeth.
This is making me very, very mad. Someones gonna get hurt soon, and i dont think its me.
"Your hair is silky black, and wavy. Very p-retty" Jeff stammers.
"Because you burnt me" i hiss.
"Uh, uh" he panics, trying to search for something to say, "your shoes are shiny" he says.
"Try better, asshole" i snort, rolling me eyes.
"You have a nice personaltiy" Jeff uses.
I turn around and punch him square in the face. He screams, holding his nose, "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?" He screams.
"Whats going here?" I hear a familiar voice ask.
"JANE PUNCHED ME, SHE MADE ME NOSE BLEED" Jeff screams, panicking again.
"Miss Jane?" Slender asks.
"He was being an asshole! If he never tried flirting with me none of this would have happened!" I defend myself.
"We'll talk about this after school" Slender says, and he turns toward the nearest person, whom is The Stitcher, "please keep am eye on these two" he orders.
"Ben would be better because he can teleport" Stitcher says.
We all turn to look at Ben.
"Dont look at me" he says nervously.
Soon enough he's teleporting everywhere, trying to keep me and Jeff apart. Everytime i see him i stare at him with loathing in my eyes. His nose stops bleeding, but the blood stained his face red a bit.

•The Chess Master•
"Hey" i say greeting Ben.
"What" he asks, twitching, looking around nervously.
"Do wanna play chess?" I ask.
He shakes his head, "Slenderman ordered me to keep Jane and Jeff apart, maybe next time" he says nervously.
I shrug and walk away, he always says maybe next time and theres never a next time.
Suddenly i light up again, spying Clockwork, "wanna play Chess?" I ask her.
She shakes her head, "im busy. Gonna get Sally for her creepy appointment" Clockwork says sadly. Whatever, the clock ticking is is annoying. I dunno if its even working but ok.
I light up again, spying someone new. Who could it be?
I go up to them, "wanna play Chess?" I ask.
They looks up, their face covered by their black hoodie and dark hair.
"Who are you" he asks.
"I dont remember my real name, but Im The Chess Master, one of Slendermans proxies!" I say excitedly, "and you are?" I waif patiently for his answer.
"Terror, undead. Real name Alex McNal" he informs me. Woa, he actually remembers his real name!
I stare at him open mouthed, unbelieving.
"What?" He asks, his face remaining neutral.
"Nobody here remembers their real name!" I exclaim.
He looks at me weird, then shrugs. "Wanna peppermint?" He asks.
I nod vigorously, not knowing what a peppermint is.
He gives me a red and white striped candy, "put it in your mouth and suck on it" Terror smirks. My mind goes dirty places suddenly, and i put the candy in my mouth.
I feel my face light up with excitement, "this is really good!" I say happily.
He nods, his the corners of mouth twitching a bit, like he wants to smile but cant afford to.
"Hey Chess. Whos this?" Puppeteer asks, his yellow eyes glowing with interest.
"This is Terror. He remembers his real name!" I include.
"Alex McNal" Terror offers.
Puppeteer's mouth twists into a small, and i find myself thinking about how hot he is.
"You look like Jeff" Puppeteer offers.
"Whos Jeff?" Terror asks.
"My names Jeff" Jeff pops up suddenly, his voice hoarse.
Puppeteer jumps, and slaps Jeff.
Terror face palms himself.
"Woah, lemme guess, you were flirting with her again?" I ask.
He nods, then finally notices Terror. "Who the fuck is this?" He asks.
"Thats Terror. He remembers his real name!" I look at Terror expectantly.
"UGH! FINE. Alex McNal is my real name" Terror says, his eyes rolling back in his head.
"He looks like me" Jeff says, making me do a large exaggerated sigh.
Suddenly i remember something. "Are you good at chess?" I ask Terror.
He looks at me and nods.
Suddenly Jeff pipes up, flinging a large variety of questions at him.
"Whats your favourite color? Weapon of choice? Which killers do you know?" He asks.
"Black, kitchen knife or my teeth, and i know about Slenderman, Clockwork, Ticci Toby, Splendorman, and Sally" Terror answers.
"Thats a lot. I only knew about Jane The Killer when i lost my sanity" Jeff explains.
Suddenly Ticci Toby pops up, "hey Terror, do you wanna come to the Slender Mansion today after school for dinner and a sleepover?" Toby asks.
Terror shrugs, "i dont why not" he says.
"Ok" he says, and disappears again.

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