She tried her best to be understanding an most of all, mature. But it was hard for Des. The uncertainty and most of all, the underlying feeling of rejection.

"You know that I can't do that," he said, sighing and taking his arms away from her.

The loss of his embrace left her feeling cold.

On the outside, as well as inside.

Her feelings were hurt.

How could someone who could set her soul ablaze with so much passion in an instant, manage to always leave her feeling tremendously dejected and desolate in another?

Desiree felt her countenance fall into a frown and she looked up at him, feeling disappointed.

"Well, why not? Don't you like me, Tae? ... Isn't that what you meant when you said that I should have told him about my 'special friend',  just now?"

"I- Des, I don't know what I meant!" Taehyung rubbed his fingers harshly over his eyes.

She knew this was a sign that he was shutting down.

"Look, I gotta go...I'll see you around okay?"

"See me around? Don't you wanna hang out...I get my car back in four days....we could...."

"I'll think about it, alright?" he said, already halfway to the door.

"Oh.. alright..." she mumbled sadly in response.

Des could feel the lump forming in her throat and her stomach turned at the familiar onset on uncertainty that occurred every time he had to leave.

She knew that she could not be sure of when next he would call or text her. 

She didn't want to ask either. Not sure about what actions or inactions would result in a loss in her favour with Taehyung.

"Tae!" she shouted before he could slip out of the rear exit fully.

Turning around, her threw her a questioning smirk that made her heart leap. 

She didn't want him to forget her, for however long they would be part because she didn't know.

'Maybe I should have let him stay and make love to me like he wanted? You need to lighten up Des! I could have called dad and made another excuse, right? Oh, I should have!' she reprimanded herself internally, heart hammering at the sight of him walking away.

"Tae, I'll ...I-" she stammered. 

It wasn't a good moment to say what she wanted to say so instead she smiled, blushing brightly and he returned a kind one, to her relief.

"I'll miss you," she simply stated after that and his smirk lifted into drop-dead, gorgeous grin that made her heart melt.

"...and I'll miss you too babygirl," he winked, pouting his lips into a quick air-kiss and then disappeared.

Des stared down at her shoes quietly for a moment.

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