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A/N: I hope you enjoy and remember to have a good day!


Third Person POV

Cress had just gotten out of bed to get ready for her eventful day of... nothing. Literally nothing.

She and Thorne had just finished delivering another batch of antidote to Canada and after spending a few days there with Winter and Jacin, they had to go back to Luna and get another batch to take to France.

They had left late last night, but it wasn't a big deal since Thorne could just set a course on the Rampion to Luna and they could relax for the day trip. So that is exactly what they did.

Cress was an early riser and Thorne was not. Usually, she would get up and make breakfast: pancakes, eggs and bacon, waffles with whipped cream and strawberries. Lots of strawberries. Today she decided to make breakfast crepes: a little recipe she had heard about but never really made until she started experimenting with breakfast.

She got out all the ingredients and started to heat up her frying pan. She bummed a little time as she mixed the flour, sugar, and salt together, cracking the eggs and dancing a little bit as she listened to the sound of her own voice.

Thorne usually woke up as she was making breakfast. Sometimes he would be sleeping but he always loved walking out and watching as Cress happily danced and sang around the Rampion like she was in her own little world. It always put a smile on his face knowing how happy she was.

Thorne woke up and heard Cress' angelic voice ring through the ship and couldn't help but smile to himself. He rolled out of bed and then made his way to the kitchen where she was making the most delicious smelling stack of crepes.

As he walked closer he noticed her grab a small tube of chapstick from her apron pocket and couldn't help but watch as it made her beautiful pink lips glisten.

"Mornin' sunshine!" He happily greeted. She jumped in surprise as she hadn't noticed how close he was until he was leaning against the counter, smiling at her.

"Morning Captain!" She smiled at him while he popped a strawberry into his mouth. She had just about finished the crepes and was getting two plates out for her and Thorne. She loved making their meals look nice, like they were being served in a restaurant. She pretended she was a world-class chef that everyone from around the world and Luna would come to visit.

She plated them with a few crepes stacked on top of each other, chocolate spread between each layer, whipped cream on the very top, and a few sliced strawberries placed upon the top.

She smiled wide as she held a plate out with two hands to Thorne, showing him her handy work.

He pretended to inspect it and then gave her thumbs up and a smile. "These look amazing, Cress!"

"Thank you, Captain! I've been trying to figure out a way to make them look really good but also taste good too. Last time I made them the presentation was a bit off but they tasted so good. I hope they taste the same as they did last time." Cress explained her thoughts to Thorne. He wasn't really listening though. He was listening to the sound of her voice and watching her eyes, and every now and then his eyes would drop to her lips that couldn't seem to stop smiling even as she talked.

He was only snapped out of his trance when she looked away from him slightly, placed the plate of crepes on the counter, and brought out her chapstick again.

"I'm sure they'll taste even better than they did last time! Don't worry, everything you create is always fantastic." He encouraged her and smirked. He just couldn't help but look at her glistening lips and the always present smile plastered on them.

"Hey, is that the chapstick you said Winter got you?" He asked, pointing to her lips.

"Yeah, it is. It smells so good, and it makes my lips so soft! I can't wait to go back so she can tell me where I can get some more." Cress answered happily, reading the chapstick tube and trying to figure out where it came from.

"What flavour is it?" Thorne asked, trying to do something about the odd fascination he had with it.

"Maple I think? I just know it reminds me of pancakes." Cress continued to read and roll the tube in her delicate fingers as she answered him.

"Can I try it?" Thorne smirked at her. He had an idea.

"Um, yeah, I guess so?" She blushed a little bit handing over the chapstick to Thorne.

He did take it from her. But instead of putting it on, he simply looked at it, placed it on the counter, and pulled Cress in for a quick, sweet kiss.

Cress was starting to get used to stuff like this. It caught her off guard but she didn't mind. It was sweet to her. After the Revolution, she and Thorne didn't decide to really start dating until she was a little bit older. She thought about going out on dates with other people. She got asked lots, especially when they would deliver antidote to any children's hospitals and the young teenage boys would realize her age. They tried, she would give them that. Some of them she actually would agree to go get a coffee, or in her case, a hot chocolate. They were nice and all but she also didn't have a lot of time to date with her helping deliver antidotes. After a couple of years of traveling around the world with the one man she had been crushing over since she could remember, she told him that she just really wanted to date him. Even if it was more of just an, 'I really like you but we can't really go on dates right now and I promised your dad I'd protect you' kind of date. That kind of date is what is currently going on.

It's still romantic and they say I love you. It's just that they haven't really officially decided much and- it's really confusing so let's just say, yes, they are together.

"Holy crap it does taste like pancakes!" Thorne exclaimed. Cress giggled in response and just sat down at their table with her crepes, shortly joined by Thorne where they enjoyed their delicious breakfast.

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