Trick or Treat!

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A/N: I am so sorry that I can't update on a schedule and that it's just random updates here and there. Here is a Halloween story that I wrote last night (Halloween night) because I really needed to update so here is a seasonal one! Also, thank you so much for 600 reads! I know it doesn't seem like much to some of you but it's a huge deal to me so thank you for always making my day by not even knowing it! Okay enough of me thanking you because I could and would do it forever. Enjoy the story!


Third Person POV

It was October 28th, three years after the revolution. Cress and Thorne had been delivering the Letumosis antidote almost the entire time but are able to take some breaks now that it's not as bad. They were on their way to America for the weekend and that weekend also happened to be Halloween.

"So you never got to celebrate Halloween?!"

"Nope. Sybil never brought me anything and I wasn't aloud to leave my satellite. I couldn't decorate, pig out on candy, dress up, or any of that fun traditional stuff! It really sucks, especially now that I'm 19 years old and that's probably too old to be going out trick-or-treating."  She seemed really sad that she never got to experience that as a child. She only got to imagine and fantasize about being a kid and having fun going door to door getting candy.

"I don't think anyone is to old to go trick-or-treating. I am going to take you and I to get costume and then we are going to go out trick-or-treating on the 31st! Got it? Besides, you still look young enough to trick-or-treat." Thorne was so excited to get to go trick-or-treating again! Especially because he will be going with Cress. 


"Of course! It'll be awesome! We can go as Flynn Ryder and Rapunzel. We will look great, trust me." 

Anyone who walked into their discussion would have thought that they were two kids finding out that they were going to Disneyland by how excited they both were! 

They talked about it the rest of the time to America and as soon as they got there they found a Halloween store that had the correct costumes and got them right away. They were getting so excited and also got matching bags to put their candy in. 

They talked about it for the next two days. By they I mean Cress talked and Thorne listened. He loved hearing how happy she was and all her times as a kid pretending that she got t be a normal kid and go trick-or-treating with her "friends." It made him happy knowing she was happy. 

Finally the day came. October 31st.

"Can we go yet?"

"Cress, it's 2:00 in the afternoon. No one will be ready until at least 5:00, maybe even 6:00. I love your enthusiasm though!" 

They were setting up some Halloween decorations around the Rampion, yet another thing that Cress never got to do.

"When can I get into my costume?" She asked as she pulled some more fake spider webs around the entrance.

"I guess you can get ready whenever you want. I mean it's not like- Cress?" He heard her running to get changed and remembered how luckily he was to have Cress. 

Moments later, Cress came bouncing out in her Rapunzel dress smiling at Thorne with the most joyful expression he had seen her use in a while. 

"Wow. That was fast. You do realize that we won't be going until 6:00 right?" He questioned with a smile.

"Oh I know! I just really wanted to wear it. The closest thing I ever got to a costume before this was the butterfly dress I wore that night. It's pretty weird seeing myself as someone else rather than my own face. I mean, I know it's my own face, but, I don't feel like it is? I am Rapunzel! I finally get a costume that goes with the character I'm acting as!" It was as if she just realized that she was in a costume and that she could use her famous acting skills to become Rapunzel. 

Thorne giggled at her cuteness and smiled at her. It seemed to him that she could be put in any situation and still be happy. Her optimism and joy helps him to look at the bright side of things. She was like an adorable little ray of sunshine spreading joy to everyone on a cloudy day. She was like a little puppy discovering what snow was for the first time, excited and not at all worried about what it is. She just has fun with everything and Thorne is glad that he gets to show her everything.

After a few more hours of waiting and Cress asking, it was finally time to go trick-or-treating. 

They walked to a nearby neighborhood and started walking door to door yelling, "Trick-or-Treat!" to every person that opened their door. 

Cress was having a blast and so was Thorne. Pretty much every person handing them candy was confused to see two grown adults out getting candy on Halloween, but they didn't question it and just gave them candy anyways.

Cress got scared a couple times when she would see a creepy costume or some random teenager would come up a scare her, but Thorne was there to protect her and he sure scared off a couple rude people himself. He had to get a couple 15 year old boys and even a young teenage girl, to leave Cress alone and stop flirting with her. Could he blame them for trying though? He knew he would have done the exact same thing if he were them. I mean he has the most beautiful girl in the solar system, of course he's going to have to stop people from hitting on her.

After hours of walking, talking, and eating some candy, they went back to the ship for the night. 

As soon as they got their, they were into pajamas and on the floor in front of the T.V. sorting and trading candy bars. 

"I'll trade you one full sized Kit Kat for four of your mini Aero bars." Throne bargained.

"Throw in a mini Wunderbar and you've got a deal." She said as she held up the Aero bars.

"Sounds like a deal to me!" He responded as they handed each other the chocolates. 

"I have to ask you something though. How are you so good at bargaining and getting what you want?" He asked her.

"I'm not sure. Maybe I'm not and you're just wanting to make me happy? Or maybe I practiced being tough about this stuff by making deals with myself? I guess we'll never know!" She responded. It seemed like she knew why, she just didn't want to reveal her secret to Thorne.

Once they finished sorting and trading, Thorne convinced Cress to watch a scary to movie with him. He chose an old 20th century movie called "Alien." The movie had a few jump scares so he knew that he'd be able to cuddle and "protect" Cress the whole time. It had always been one of his favourites. It was so good even at the time it came out that they made five more movies with the same creature after it! 

"Do you believe in aliens Captain?" She asked as she was curled into him on the couch.

"I'm not sure. Sometimes I think there could be other life out there, so yeah I guess I do believe in aliens."

"Thank goodness these aliens aren't real. If they were I'd probably be dead by now." She giggled. 

"Is this even scaring you?" 

"Not really. I know that Xenomorphs aren't real and I know that I'm safe. It freaks me out when the jump scares happen, but even if you're a super brave person person, jump scares will get you. I can tell that you jump, and you've seen this before!" She responded as she hugged him and pulled a blanket over them.

After the movie, Thorne carried Cress to bed because she fell asleep near the end. They both got comfortable under their blankets and fell asleep soundly, looking forward to next Halloween.


A/N: So it's up a day after Halloween. I actually wrote this last night anyways. I have had ideas for a Halloween special for a little while but I just was not able to actually write it! I don't know why I just couldn't. Thanks so much for reading and gain for 600 reads now! It makes me so happy knowing that people read my stories. Hopefully I'll have another one up before a month passes but I can't really promise anything. Thank you all and Happy lat Halloween/Spoopy Day!

P.S. Because I wrote this last night at like 2:00 in the morning it isn't edited so soryy for any spelling and grammar mistakes.

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