High School AU-Pt 2

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A/N: I think will go longer than just these two parts so if I make you wait for another part, I'll try to make it not too long of a wait if you're enjoying it.

Cress POV

Gym is my least favourite class. Ever. I'm always the shortest and slowest, I'm not very strong, and literally no one wants me on their team so it's always a classic drama movie moment where I get picked last just because there is no one else.

Luckily I have my favourite class before that though so I shouldn't be too bummed. I also found out that Cinder and Thorne are in my computers class so I wont be alone in that one either. In gym is also, surprise surprise, Thorne. Jacin too but we haven't talked much. He's the one I know the least about in our group.

After lunch, Cinder, Thorne and I headed to our computer class. We were lucky to get there before most of the other students so we got our seats all next to each other. I was in between Cinder and Thorne which meant that I would have sarcastic comments thrown over me almost constantly. But I'm still excited, I have my friends with me, why would I not be even a little bit excited.

"Um, Cress?" Thorne leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Yes, Captain?" I whispered back. I've called him Captain ever since we played a game when were younger where he was the captain of a spaceship and we were his crew. No one else really wanted to call him that but I didn't see the harm in it. The nickname just stuck for me I guess.

"Can I get some help? You're really good with this stuff and I have no idea what we I'm doing."

"Why did you even sign up for this class then? If you don't even know how to turn your computer on, you'll need a lot more help this semester." I leaned over a turned his computer on as I shot him a quick smile.

"Well then I guess it's a good thing I have you here." He winked at me and grinned.

"Oh no. Now I'm gonna have to deal with you two smiling and giggling with each other all the time. You know you guys are both so obvious right?" Cinder sighed as she leaned back in her chair and folded her arms over her chest. I started blushing but was able to hide it by letting my hair fall in my face and stare at my computer screen.

"What are you talking about? This is how we always act?"

"Exactly Thorne. You're both always so happy and giddy when you're around each other. You don't even realise how different you are when you're around other people."

"Well you're in a good mood. I think you're just jealous because Cress gets to sit beside me and help me while you don't"

Cinder snorted, "Jealous that she has to deal with you being an idiot? Yeah sure. I think I know why you took this class. You took this class because Mr. Dar-"

"Hello class. My name is..."

I zoned out. Again. Cinder thinks he likes me? Wow. I thought she was really good at telling when people were telling the truth or not but now I'm starting to doubt that. I know I must be pretty obvious. I try to hide it but I'm not very good at it. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone knew.

That class came and went. I helped Thorne a couple more times when he needed it but because of what Cinder said I was pretty awkward about it. Next up, gym class.

I got changed into my gym clothes and then went to check in with the teacher. After I checked in I sat on one of the benches around the gym with my elbows on my knees and my shoulders slouched, just taking some deep breaths to prepare myself for the embarrassment that is gym class.

"Ready for gym? I bet you're great at dodge ball. You're so small it must be hard for the other team to hit you." Thorne knew I hated gym. I expressed it whenever I could. He was clearly trying to make me feel better. It was working a little bit.

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