Eleventh - Love will help you, until it Preys on You

Start from the beginning

"What do you think you're doing right now?" Sylvia asked. I could tell that she was holding back her anger. Probably, she didn't want the Bellards to see her short temper. "Who are you to barge in here and make stories up?" She asked, trying to be calm.

"Deny all you want, your signature is on the check anyway." I said in a firm tone. "And do you really want me to answer that question? Do you really want me to say who I am?" I asked in a provoking tone.

Deep inside, I was hoping that my Dad would look at me, but he didn't. He wouldn't even look at me, his own son.

"Sylvia, what is this all about?" Anthony Bellard asked.

"I'm sorry sir." I said as I turned my head. "Believe me, I didn't want to cause a scene, I have no intention of causing any trouble either, but my Mom had already been through much, I can't just stand there and do nothing anymore." I explained.

"Don't ever appear in front of me or my Mom again, you and your whole family, because I swear, the next time you hurt my family, I will cut you down." I said threateningly to Sylvia.

I turned around and walked towards the door, with a grin on my face. Before I left, I took one last look at my Dad. I really missed him, I really do. I would be lying if I say that I wasn't hurt that my Dad ignored me, because I really was.

Although being ignored hurts, it also woke me up. Crying and feeling sad because of my Dad was useless, it's also very tiring. That's why, I won't cry anymore, I won't get sad anymore. I'll live my life without his influence, from then on.

Having that realization lifted a great weight off my chest. I walked out of that door feeling a lot better.

"Drew..." Nico called my name. He was just nearby, waiting for me the whole time. "You look..." He was obviously surprised. "You look, okay, even better." He added.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" I asked as I stood very close to him.

"I don't know. I guess I was expecting that you would walk out of that door looking all shaken and depressed. What happened? Why do you look so, confident?"

"Let's just say that from now on, I wouldn't cry about my Dad anymore. I think I finally moved on." I said proudly.

"Really? How did that happen?" Nico asked.

"Well, my Dad totally ignored me." I said and smiled wryly. "He didn't even look at me." I sighed deeply.

"Drew, are you really okay?" Nico asked worriedly, I knew he could clearly see the expression on my face.

"I'm fine. This is the last time. I promise." I said as I held back the tears forming behind my eyes. I guess, it was a sort of goodbye, a graduation from the continuous torture I get from my Dad leaving me. I get it, I finally accepted it; my Dad, the Dad I knew, is gone.

Even though Nico knew that many eyes could see us at that time, he still took my hand and held it tight. "Do you want to swim? It always make you feel better, right?" He asked.

"Sure, why not." I said and then Nico pulled me out of the restaurant.

Nico drove us back to their house and we instantly dive into the pool. "Come on, I want you to try something with me." I said as I pulled Nico by the hand into the middle of the pool. "Just relax and let the water do its work." I said as I fall on my back and floated on the pool.

Nico did the same. "Now what?"

"Hold your breath and empty your mind, and let the serenity of the water take over." I said and then chuckled.

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