29. "I can't do this anymore!"

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Author's note: 

Hello my fellow readers, this is the second to last chapter. 


"Sanem, is it true?" He lied

"Is what, true?" She asked.

"That your pregnant?" He studied her face, seeing if she would be able to lie to him. Even thought he knew the answer he still had to pretend he just found out, "Please, baby, please tell me it's mine." He plead.

Sanem back off from him, looked at him furiously and slap in the face, "HOW DARE YOU!" She shouted and walked away but stopped. "I HOPE YOU GOT YOUR ANSWER!" she shouted and walked away furious.

"Sanem, your so going to be the death of me." He said as he saw Sanem walk away from him furious and at the same time he was rubbing his cheek "I'm so sorry baby, but I needed to pretend I had just found out." He smiled went back to where the red chair was, grabbed his things and left the warehouse. "Tomorrow is going to be another day." He said smilling as he drove away.


Sanem arrived at her house furious, "How dare he? What the fuck is his problem? Asking me that? Is he out of his mind!" She was pacing around the living room. "I don't want him to take my pictures tomorrow, even though he looks so hot, taking them. But, I don't want him." She tried to convince herself. "I need to see how's Conner, hopefully his better and will be able to take my pictures tomorrow."

"Hey Sanem how are you?" Conner said trying to be enthusiastic.

"Are you ok? You don't sound so good."

"No, I feel like crap, I'm so sorry!"

"Allah! Allah! Do you need a doctor?"

"No, I have food poisoning and this can last up to 48 hours, I'm so sorry!"

"Well, if you need anything please let me know."

"I will, but I have to go. Bye." And they hung up.

"Wow! Poor Conner, unfortunately I don't have a choice but to let Can take my pictures tomorrow. Ah, Can Divit! What am I going to do with you!"

15 minutes prior

Knock knock "I'm coming" Connor said.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Can said.

"Better, a lot better. At least I'm done throwing up."

"Dude, I have to tell you something. Even though I feel like shit in a way I don't, because I'm sure you would've done the same thing." Can said sitting in the suite's living room.

"Ok, what's going on?" Conner asked, sitting in front of Can.

"You're sick because of me."

"What?" He was confused. "Ok, so Sanem is the mother of my child, is the woman I love, and she's upset at me at the moment. We broke almost three months ago and I'm trying to stay close to her, and when I found out she didn't wanted me to take her pictures I needed to do something."

"You could off talk to me."

"Yeah, I know." He looked at Conner pleading for forgiveness, "I realized that once it was already late, I'm sorry! I really am."

Conner got up, and sat next to him. "Dude as much as I would love to kick your ass because of this, I understand. And your right, I would've done the same thing."

"Thanks man, and I'm sorry."

"Your ok," and they both smiled.

"But there's also something I have to say?"

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