11. The explanation part 2

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"You, left Polen at the restaurant?" She asked laughing

"Yes, I did" he smiled back

"Ohhh, I would of love to see that."

"Well, if the person that took our picture should have more pictures, and I am sure he does have the picture of me walking away. But no they chose the one that is going to sell the most" he was annoyed

"And what about Demet?"


"Demet?" He asked

"Yes, Demet" she repeated herself annoyed

He got up and looked towards the window, took a breath and said Demet is Ferit's wife.


"Yes Ferit.... ferit Özdemir"

"WHAT!" she said as she got up and walked towards him.

"Can, how do you know his name. I never said his name, how do you know him?"

He turned around to his left and look at her, he saw Sanem in tears, he brought his hands to wipe them off, but she pushed his hands away. Can put both of his hands on the window and leaned his head against it. He lift up his head and put his chin on his left arm and looked at her, she was standing there with her hands crossed waiting for him to explain everything. He took another deep breath and said

"I was friends with Ferit, we were really good friends, but then I heard what he did to you and I backed off. Him and Demet got mad at me, because I didn't helped them nor I helped them with Metin."


"Metin, is like a brother to me, we grew up together, and he's a lawyer. Plus I know Metin, he wasn't going to defend him, and I wasn't going to support Ferit for what he did. So Ferit went to jail and I lost all contact with him and his family, until last week."

"Why?" She wiped her tears and face the view.

"Because you told me she hired you because of what you wrote on your application sheet, and then you told me her name, and the name of the editing I realize it was her. So, I hung up with you, I got rid of Polen and I called her, I needed to know everything, what she was thinking, what was she was planning, because I don't believe in coincidence."

She kept looking at the beautiful view.

"All I was doing was trying to protect you."

Sanem turned her face, surprise from the words she just heard and full of tears to look at him.

"But I guess she got a photographer and took a picture of us. In reality I don't care what people think about me." He brought his hands down stood up straight and turned to her. He cupped her face her, and puts his forehead on hers, and close his eyes. Sanem still had her arms crossed, but when she felt his forehead on hers she closed her eyes too.

And then he said is a soft and pured voice, "All I care about is you. What you think, what you feel. Why do you think I came running as soon as I got you text. You heard Emre, you hear what he said. And What I said earlier this morning, it's true. I do love you, and I will always protect you. I promise you, on this amazing amazing that I have for you that I didn't cheat on you, I didn't lie to you, I don't have a lover, and I don't have a friend with benefits anymore. I swear on my mother, who is the woman that I respect the most in this world that everything that I just told you is true." and he kissed, she let go of her hands and wrapped them around his waist and gave in on the kiss. The kiss was kind and soft.

The Meet (✅ #2 EDITING) (6/12/19 - 3/5/20)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora