The words kept hitting me really hard across the head and I seriously didn't know what to say. I realized that I was still holding the hot chocolate as I had accidentally tilted it and it started dripping onto my bed sheets. I quickly placed the hot chocolate down and lightly coughed as I felt my throat go completely dry.

"I had no idea." Was all I could say to Dominique's confession. It all made sense now though as to why she was so dedicated to my mom and how she was always there for her.

"Of course you wouldn't know. Only your mom and I know, or at least when she has good days. So let's please keep this our little secret for now."

"Dominique I –" She interrupted me.

"All these years loving your mother from a distance was hard. I always kept denying it to myself, tried to reason myself and even discussed of moving away with Robert at one point because I couldn't handle being close to your mom without having the right to call her mine. Of course, Robert thought it was because I was wanting a transfer to a different hospital." She paused for a brief moment.

"When your dad passed away, she was, rightfully so, completely devastated. I wanted to shelter her from all the pain in the world. I watched her slowly fall into a very dark place and lose herself to it. You know I lost Robert as well and we both found ourselves coping with loss." She paused again, most likely trying to find the words to express herself.

"You know how hard it was when she fell in that black hole, this heavy drinking and rehab she had to go through? It tore me in two just as much as it did for you. But I never wanted to give up on her."

"We had such long nights of deep talks, about life, about our past, about our regrets and about the hardships we had to endure. That night we became extremely close. And I found myself throwing myself into the water by admitting my feelings. I was so afraid that she was going to leave me to drown. But she came through and pulled me out of the water. And we kissed, and it was magical. Everything just felt like it was the way it was supposed to be."

She paused, looked at me and saw that I was still trying to process all these confessions she was throwing at me. She inhaled sharply and sighed afterwards.

"Y/N, the point I'm trying to make is that the person you are with and the person you are meant to be with are not always the same person, no matter what steps in life you've already taken."

She paused again for a longer time and this time looked up at me seeing as I wasn't saying anything.

"Ariana visited your mom quite frequently at the clinic. Your mom would tell her stories about her life, about you as a child, about your dad, what you've accomplished, and that for nearly every day since almost 4 months now. In return, Ariana seems to have bonded quite well with your mom too. It actually helped her a lot having someone there to listen to her, other than you and I, and I think it kind of helped Ariana too, to have a presence in her life. She's been through one hell of a ride you know?"

I was speechless.

"She also paid for your mom's bills. She said she wanted to do it because she didn't want us to worry anymore. You know how I got the clearance for your mom to be in that pricey clinic? Ariana arranged everything and pushed for it."

This explained everything as to why my mom called Courtney "Ariana" as she was having a bad day and was used to seeing Ariana, and not Courtney, more.

"You need to stop being so bitter. You need to stop looking at yourself in the mirror and pitying yourself. She's trying to be there for you, not necessarily as anything more than a friend, and you keep pushing her away without even letting her prove herself to you."

I was about to say something but decided against it. She was right, I needed to stop being so pitiful and be a bit more mature about the situation. I needed to process my emotions.

"If she's the person you're meant to be with, don't lose her from your line of sight."

I didn't say anything. Not sure I knew what to say at this exact moment.

Dominique sighed and got up, heading towards my door. She looked defeated and I remembered that she had just pretty much come out to me right then and my mom and her feelings for each other.

"Dominique." I said and she turned around, waiting for me to speak.

"I've always considered you to be my second mom. I'm just happy my mom has someone like you to love and take care of her. You both don't have to hide in front of me anymore." I offered a smile and she smiled back widely, both relieved and happy that I gave them my blessing.

"Now as your second mom, don't make me kick your ass – get up and go make things right with Ariana. You need to hear that girl out. She has suffered too. Her best friend pretty much broke contact with her, her boyfriend chose a life of addiction, and her boyfriend's best friend, who she connected with the most has hated her guts for nearly the past year. I'm not saying what she did and how she did it is forgivable, I'm just saying you need to cut her some slack and be there for her, the way she's secretly and indirectly been there for us."

She shut the door behind her. I turned to the bedside table and reached for my phone and quickly typed. She texted back almost immediately.

 She texted back almost immediately

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