by your side- steve rogers

Start from the beginning

The super-soldier squeezed his eyes shut, clenching his hands into tight fists until his knuckles began turning white. He felt a single tear drip down his cheek and into his lap and pressed his fingers to the side of his forehead with one hand, letting out a long sigh. He didn't want to accept that you could possibly die. He couldn't.

"But there may be a chance," Bruce spoke up again, quickly glancing over to see the doctors pulling out the defibrillator and cranking up the shock level each time when the first few attempts failed, "if this doesn't work, they'll give her the antibiotics Tony and I developed several months back. Then, there may be a higher chance."

"How much higher?"

"That's the thing. I don't know how much better the odds will be. Hey, it'll be fine," he realized that Steve was growing more anxious by the second and put a sympathetic hand on his broad shoulder, "we're doing everything we can. I need to go back in now, but I'll update you on her condition soon."

"I'll just wait here, then."

"You sure you don't need to get some rest?"

"I'm fine. Thanks, Banner."

"No problem."

He slumped down into the uncomfortable plastic chair in the hallway, beginning to feel his legs throbbing and growing sore from standing for so long.

"Steve? You okay?"

Bucky sat down next to his best friend and watched in concern for a few moments as his normally composed self trembled with fear and silent sobs. When he didn't respond, he carefully started rubbing his back to calm him down.

"She's going to be okay," the Winter Soldier reassured him, "if there's anything I know, Y/N's feisty as hell and she's not gonna go down so easily."

He looked up at him with bloodshot eyes, running a hand down his face. "And if she doesn't live?"

"Then we know she at least went down with a fight, but I honestly think she'll pull through. Now get some rest. Sam'll bring something to eat for you later."

"I'm not hungry," Steve mumbled into his hands.

"You have to eat," he reminded him, "or you won't have enough energy to see her later."


"If there's anything else you need, just let me or Tony know," Bucky reminded Steve as he stood up to leave. "Or Peter. He's the one with the Uno card deck and better Spotify playlist."

Steve nodded numbly and stared straight ahead. "Alright."

Later on when Sam came with the sandwiches, he was standing by the window yet again. His face was completely void of any emotion, and the only indicator of his distress were the dark circles lined underneath his red-rimmed eyes and his clenched jaw.

"Cap, how long have you been standing like that?"

"Three hours," he muttered, "eleven in total."

"Jeez, take a break," the Falcon shook his head, "eat something and I won't bother you afterwards, alright? Come on."

Steve reluctantly took the sandwich from his hands and after eating half, set it down at his chair.

"I have good news and bad news," he stated. "Assuming you wanna hear the bad news first, she's still not waking up, but...Banner says they're making progress. We don't know when, but it should be soon."


"You're in love with her."

He didn't reply. His silence was all Sam needed to confirm his question.

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