A Danganronpa Story (PROMPTED)

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Some background : I was given a prompt about what would happen if you got a text message asking if you could beat the last game you played. The last game I played was Danganronpa, so I thought about writing about it. Lemme just say, I saw this prompt at legal crackhead hours (tis' a joke Madame Karen).
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I wake up in darkness. As I touch to feel around me, I felt a cold metal wall. I banged on the wall as hard as I could and it opened...? I feel out of what appears to be a locker. "Huh? What's going on." I stood up and looked around. "This is a weird looking classroom..." I remarked as I walked over to LED board. I looked up and saw a weird looking monitor. I looked over and there was weird looking bars on the window. And As I turn to the the other wall I come to the realisation of where I am... "I'm in-" "RISEN SHINE URSINE!" A bunch of stuffed bears appeared in front of me. "DONT YOU DARE!" Shouted the half red one. "Yeah! You can't reveal where you are just yet. We'll have to get rid of you if you do." Growled the half pink one. I covered my mouth and gave them a thumbs up. They gave a thumbs up too and disappeared. Now I knew that I was in the world of Danganronpa.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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