Chapter 44- Protecting You

Start from the beginning

"You don't have the luxury of speaking my name." You growled loudly, enough for the news agency to pick up what you were saying. You were broadcasted around the world, Katsuki watching in absolute terror over your every move. No matter how fast he could get to the battlefield, it would still be too slow to save you if anything happened. He was powerless and the thought scared him more than anything in his life. Despite this, he hung onto your every word as the rest of the crowd did. They all wanted to know who you were, and why you decided to risk your life to protect the world's most beloved hero.

"I am the Phantom Hero: Astral of the Shini Mountain Village. I've dedicated my life to finding the man responsible for the death of my family and the massacre of my village, and here you stand in front of me. I didn't let you take away the boy I love. I didn't let you take Best Jeanist. If you think I'm going to let you kill the closest man I have to a father, then you're mistaken." Your voice echoed on TVs across all of Japan, All Might's breath hitching in his throat at the word father. He felt parental love before, but now he realized why this truly killed him inside.

He was terrified to lose the only family he had.

"Astral, you say? Fitting, considering I am the one responsible for sending your family into the stars. Would you like to see them again?" All for One threatened. You grit your teeth, tightening the X-formation with your swords.

"They will have to wait because I'm not dying today." You charged towards All for One, teleporting behind him with your swords raised in the air to attack. All for One shot a blast of air your way, but you already were gone once again with a sword stabbing into his torso. It barely seemed to go in, the villain sending an arm down to snap the sword in half. You quickly retreated, watching how you left nothing more than a flesh wound.

"Good attempt Astral. You caught me off my guard and injured me more than your beloved father. Well done. Now it's my turn." All for One picked up your broken blade and shot it towards you faster than the eye could see. You deflected it in the air, using your quirk to get closer to him once again. He filled his sleeves up with air and expelled it quickly to throw you away from his body, but you were already activating ghost. The fluidity of your quirk usage along with your tenacity impressed everyone who watched you.

"Go Astral!" "Fight hard Astral!" "Stay strong!"

People you never met were screaming your name, cheering for you as you stood up against a man just as powerful as All Might. Katsuki watched you with a shaky smile and warm tears flooding his eyes. He was so beyond proud of you. He never felt an overwhelming admiration for another hero besides All Might, but at this moment, you were his hero too.

"GO (Y/N)!" He screamed out until his throat went dry, Deku looking over at him and following suit.

"(Y/N)!" Kirishima, Iida, Shoto, Momo...they cried out your name in cheer.

And then in horror.

All for One waited until you let go of ghost to attack him again, snapping your second blade just to ram it through your gut. You gasped out all of the air from your lungs, blood filling the space in your mouth.

"NO! (Y/N)!" All Might screamed out your name, barely able to move forward to get to you. You teleported away from All for One and back to All Might, just to spit out more blood on the ground as you sliced into your hands to pull the blade out. Endeavor started to sprint closer to the battlefield to try and pull you out of there. He wasn't about to watch a teenage girl die doing the job he was supposed to do. He couldn't look Shoto in the eyes knowing that he just let the girl he loved die in front of him. You couldn't think, your mind was cluttered in fear and panic as you held your wound with blood pooling through your fingers.

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