Chapter 15 Start of a Year:

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Nicole’s P.O.V:

  As I board the ship I can’t shake the feeling that someone is watching me, it seems stupid on my part though. I clutch onto Chase’s hand when the feeling doesn’t go away, he looks at me questionably.

  “Nikki as much as I like you, why are you holding my hand?”, Chase asks playfully.

  “No reason.” ,I say levelly trying to get rid of my suspicion.

  “I know something’s wrong now please tell me.” ,Chase pleaded. I shake my head.

  “I feel like someone’s been watching me ever since our conversation with Prewwet.” ,I tell him.

  “Well someone probably just noticed how beautiful you are. They’re probably wondering what your bloody doing talking to a loser like me.”, Chase said.

  “You’re not a loser.”, I tell him.

  “Yes, I am. I mean I couldn’t even keep Prewwet away from us.”, Chase says.

  “It’s alright, I always love telling that idiot to sod off.” ,I reply with a smile on my face.

  “Sometimes I wonder how it is you don’t get into more fights.”, Chase tells me.

  “You see it’s actually quite easy all I have to do is smile and look innocent.”, I say.

  “Oh yes, because you definitely wouldn’t hurt a fly. I mean it’s not like you got top scores on our Dark Arts and Ways to prevent them quiz we took last year.” ,Chase says.

  “You know what Chase you are an amazing friend.”, I tell him while smiling. His smile seems to falter before it’s replaced with a smirk.

  “Thank you. So how’s your day been so far?”, Chase asks.

  “Good except for the fact I was waiting here for Merlin knows how long for you to get here.  By the way you and Kyle are going to make Karkaroff mad.” ,I say. Chase’s face changes from scared to nervous too cocky in about ten seconds.

  “And why is that?”, Chase asks.

  “You and Kyle don’t have buzz cuts like the rest of the older boys.” ,I tell him. I see headmaster Karkaroff walking towards us, he obviously heard our conversation.

  “I don’t care about that, besides I will not cut my hair. Do you know how long it’s taken me to get it this soft?” ,Chase asks. Headmaster Karkaroff is right behind him now.

  “A while, I think if you want to come with us though for the trip you are going to cut your hair. Is that understood!” ,Karkaroff yells making Chase jump.

  “Sir yes sir.” ,Chase says.

  “Now go get a haircut and after that I expect a five hundred word essay on how to respect nice clean cut haircuts, understood?” ,Karkaroff asks. Chase nods meekly.

  “Yes sir.”, Chase says meekly. Karkaroff turns to me.

  “And Nicole would you be kind enough to fetch Prewwet, and take him and Fawley to Victor for their haircuts?”, Karkaroff asks me.

  “Yes.”, I say.

  “Oh and while you’re there could you please ask Victor if he would like some wine to calm his nerves on this ship?”, Karkaroff asks me. I resist the urge to roll my eyes at him. Even with him favoring my brother and knowing my father, just one ounce of disrespect shown will result in a five hundred word essay.

  “Yes sir.”, I say politely. He then walks away. And I roll my eyes.

  “You do realize Nicole that was not very respectful.”, Chase chastises me.  I stick my tongue out at him.

  “Yes, now let’s go find Kyle the Pratt. We have to get you and him a haircut. ,I tell him. This is going to be a long ride.

Unknown P.O.V:

  I manage to sneak onto the ship unnoticed; Nicole seems to almost know that I’m here. I haven’t seen or spoken to her since we were younger. Not since the…accident.  I promised her then that I would protect her, but now I’m not sure if that’s even possible. Elijah and she seem distant now, it looks as if they woke up from a dream they’re still trying to make sense of.

  I remember the day I ‘left’ them. I saw something; something big was going to happen to us all. I had to get away from it, before corruption took over us. My visions started getting more vivid, I saw her death. It kept on repeating over and over again as if to taunt me, torture me. Elijah’s future seems to constantly change though, it’s as if to show me that Nicole’s future is set and there’s nothing I can do to change it. But I’m still looking for a way to keep her alive. And when I find it, he better watch out.

Cedric P.O.V:

  I’m sitting at the Hufflepuff table wondering what Dumbledore is saying when it hits me. I finally have a chance to prove to my father that my little sister wherever she is can be found. If I could just win this tournament maybe, just maybe I can find her. My sweet little Amanda Cassidy, I will find you someday even if it’s my last.

Kyle P.O.V:

As I sit through the awful torture that’s called a haircut, I can’t help but think of Nicole. She will always hate me, but at the same time she’ll accept me. When I found out Fred and George knew her I was shocked. But, then I realized how could I be shocked at the fact a princess like her was friends with my cousins. One of them obviously liked her, I just don’t know who. It’s bad enough with her seeing me as the bad guy. I doubt she even stopped to see that I’m not the villain; I simply try for her attention.

  After my haircut I feel like a sheep, completely the same as the others. No individual personality. Maybe that’s how the headmaster wants us to feel, the same.  I feel as if someone is occasionally taking glances at me, it’s really weird. Maybe whoever it is has Legilimency and they’re trying to see my prospective on this whole thing. I really hate haircuts, almost as much as I hate that Nicole sees me as the enemy. Maybe this year will be my year.

A/N: I realize I almost forgot about this story. But don’t worry I’ve finally updated. I would like to thank all of you who are commenting and reading this story. I will try to update and let me tell you all, the comments really motivate me to update faster. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.     

Viktor Krum's sister (Sequel to Lily's Daughter)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant