Chapter 21 Forgiveness:

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Nicole P.O.V:

I wake up to voices yelling to me. Where's Jessie? He has to be here, he just has to. I couldn't have been sleeping, it was just too real.

"Nicole!", Chase calls.

"Princess!", Kyle yells.

"Nikki.", Elijah shouts.

What are they even doing here? They have no right to be here! I roll over to face them and their footsteps quicken. Chase tries to give me a hug but I push him away.

"Are you alright?", Chase questions. I can do nothing but shake my head.

"Elijah?", I question. He hesitantly take a step towards me. I stand up and give him a hug, the first hug in seven years.

"It was never your fault. I- I forgive you...", I trailed off.

"No, Nicole it was my fault that day... I hit him, we were goofing around. It's my fault, you have every right to blame me.", he muttered against my hair.

"He hated it when we fought. But we were kids, we still are. And sometimes kids goof off and stupid things happen.", I assured him.

"Do you think he forgave me?", Elijah asks me.

"I know he did, Jessie forgave everyone. Remember that one time I pushed him off that tree and he broke his arm? He was mad for a minute but then forgave me because he claimed that one minute without me was boring.", I told Elijah.

"Yeah, he was so mad and when he turned to talk to you I thought he was going to explode. But...he didn't. Jessie never exploded, he didn't really have much of a temper...", Elijah trailed off.

So there we stood, at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, hugging for the first time in nearly seven years. All the hate, remorse, and guilt left us in that moment. Jessie may be gone, but I know I still have people out there that care for me.

Chase P.O.V:

Standing here and watching Nicole cry in the arms of Elijah is horrible. One minute she hates him, and the next he's the only person she can talk to? Girl's are confusing, I don't know how Remus was able to put up with my mum. How did Sirius, dad, even know when he loved my mum and she loved him back? Remus was just there after my dad left, so how does he even put up with mum?

"Are you alright?', I question Nicole again watching as she nods silently.

"Do you want to back to the boat?", Prewwet asks. Nicole shakes her head.

"I don't want to go .", Nicole responds to him.

"Okay, I'll wait for you if you want.", Prewwet offered while giving her a small smile. Nicole looked at him surprised before giving him a glare.

"I'm sorry but, I think it would be better if I go to the boat with my friends.", she replies.

Kyle P.O.V:

Something about seeing Princess crying broke me, I hated seeing girls cry. But, I couldn't comfort her, she... hates me. As much as it hurts it's true. I remember when I was younger and my mum would tell me all these stories about my dad. She always started off the stories the same way, "There was a prince and a princess..." Nicole is my princess, but if I don't change...I can never be her prince. And inside it just kills me.

"Do you want to back to the boat?", I ask. Nicole shakes her head.

"I don't want to go .", Nicole tells me.

"Okay, I'll wait for you if you want.", I offer while giving her a small smile. Nicole looked at me with surprise before giving me a glare.

"I'm sorry but, I think it would be better if I go to the boat with my friends.", she replies.

"Oh.", I replied, I was feeling really embarrassed now,"Maybe next time?"

"I hope there won't be a next time.", Chase mutters.

"Umm. I don't know, probably.", Nicole says as her glare softens and she actually looks at me like a person for once. It was great,but I felt so vulnerable because this girl in front of me...she could either make or break me. And I really wanted her not to break me. I'm not her prince yet, but I know if I keep this up maybe someday she'll realize I'm not the pestering knight. But the prince who has always been waiting for her to notice him.

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