Chapter 1 The New Neighbor:

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      Nicole P.O.V:

  Cissy sent a Patronus to my dad telling him I was at Malfoy Manor. When dad came he was furious that I didn’t try to contact him in the first place. Well he took me back to Snape Manor and Victor was there. As soon as he saw me his face broke into a smile and he engulfed me in a hug.

  “Nicole it’s a week after Christmas. Why did you just up and leave the hospital!?!? There could have been a kidnapper on the loose for all we knew. All we knew was you left and no one knew what happened to you!”, Victor and dad both yell. Ok they probably planned this speech out.

  “OK. Listen here I left because my mind got better. And a kidnapper? Seriously you both had me take self-defense classes since I turned five years old! I’m pretty sure I can handle myself against a muggle!”, I seethe. How come they thought I couldn’t defend myself?

  “That may be true, but you obviously can’t handle yourself when it comes to two wizards your age with wands!”, Victor shouts. Tears come into my eyes as I remember what those boys did to me. They tortured me so much I went loony.

  “Nicole, I’m sorry I didn’t think...”, Victor starts. But, I cut him off.

  “That’s right you don’t think! You never do! And whenever something you don’t like happens here you go back to your mum! And guess what? You are too ashamed to be a part of this family! Tell me how is hiding behind your mum’s last name working out for you!”, I yell angry that he brought up me being tortured. Maybe I was too harsh on him?

   He deserves this Nicole, Draco or Chase wouldn’t bring this up to you. Your right. They wouldn’t say you’re too weak to handle yourself, now would they? No they wouldn’t would they? No they wouldn’t, but I’ll tell you this someone who plays a part in your future is moving into the manor next door tomorrow. How will I know who it is? Trust me you will know, he’s the same age as you and his eyes are different than most others eyes. Tomorrow? Yes.

  “Your right Nicole, I do run away from my problems even though I shouldn’t. You’re my only little sister and I love you princess. I know I stopped calling you that when you turned ten, but it’s true you’re my little sister so it’s only natural for me to worry. And I use my mum’s last name because then people don’t expect me to be as good at potions as dad. Or too be as cold as him.”, Victor says. I instantly feel bad. I bow my head and start walking towards my room.

  “I’m going to go to sleep.”, I call over my shoulder.  I see Victor and dad nod. As soon as my head hits the pillow I’m instantly asleep.

   Chase P.O.V:

  I sit up on my bed all through the night trying to wrap what happened today around my brain. I know four things.

-One is Nicole left St. Mungo’s

-Two is I’m falling fast for her

- Three I want to find her

-Four is I want her to be mine

  I really need to go to sleep though; it’s already seven in the morning!?!?! How did I stay up that long?!?!? With that in mind my vision gets blurry and I fall into a deep sleep.

   Nicole P.O.V:

  The mysterious person that the voice was telling me about yesterday is coming today. Whenever I think about whom they may be my stomach just erupts in butterflies. I don’t know why though. It’s so frustrating! I go outside and vaguely see people moving stuff into the Manor that’s right next to my dad’s. Snape Manor is getting new neighbors.

  “Dad.”, I shout. In a second my dad is right by my side with Victor by him.

  “What Nicole?”, dad says in a tired voice.

  “We have new neighbors. Can we introduce ourselves to them around lunch time?”, I plead. They try to consider the outcome then dad nods. I really wonder who it is that I’m supposed to meet today.

   Kyle P.O.V:

  I help my mum move all of our stuff into the new manor we got. I sigh my mum just moved us from Prewett Manor to here. At least we are still going to have the Prewett Manor. My mum had me start Drumstrung this year. I should be happy I guess. The only reason I’m not is because mum homeschooled me until this year. I’m a third year at Drumstrung, but the problem is everyone else has known each other for two years. I really am interested though about the story of what happened to the only girl at Drumstrung.

  Apparently her brother is the Victor Krum!  But, what happened was not all boys were all that happy about letting a girl into the school. So some first years that were in her year called her to come with them, she complied and went but in return she was tortured with the ‘Crucio’ curse. They tortured her for hours on end when they were found by a group of older students who were searching for her.

  I honestly would think that the story was made to scare new students but I asked people in St. Mungo’s yesterday about the girl who was tortured. They said she left. I wonder if she will go to Drumstrung again. From what people have been telling me she was an amazing girl. And more than half the first years fancied her. She played quiddich too! Even if she did go back I’d doubt she’d even talk to a prankster bad boy like me. The only interesting thing about me though is my eyes. One of my eyes is as blue as the sea, while the other is as green as the forest.

  “Kyle, you can go explore if you want. Remember though lunch is in ten minutes. Try not to get into trouble with the neighbors or I will personally make sure you won’t see your pranking supplies until next Christmas.”, mum threatens. I know though that the threat is not going to be acted upon.

  Mum says that I remind her of my dad. His name was Fabian Prewwet. Apparently he and his brother were killed in the first wizarding war. They were surrounded by five death eaters. Now Kyle, today at lunch you will meet a girl. This is important because? She will decide your future. What’s that supposed to mean? It means she will be important to you from today on…. Well that was ominous. Yes, yes it was.                               



Viktor Krum's sister (Sequel to Lily's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now