Chapter 6 Encounters:

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   Nicole P.O.V:

  I see Kyle sitting there smirking. How did he get here so fast? And why is he even here?

  “Well Nicole, how are you?”, Kyle asks. I shot him a fake smile.

  “I’m fine Kyle. May I ask what you are doing here?”, I ask uncertainly.

  “You didn’t get the memo? My mum went to work earlier so she left me here. Apparently she doesn’t trust me at home by myself. It’s not like I’ll blow up the house again.”, Kyle says. I roll my eyes. Victor awkwardly coughs. I turn to him and cross my arms.

  “You know I didn’t forget about you Victor. I was saving the best for last.”, I say

  “I know. When are you going back to school? Christmas holidays end in four days.”, Victor explains.

  Sometimes I wonder if I can just shorten his name so it’s easier to say. Hmm…. What should it be? Vic? Vicky? Vicky Vic? Maybe I’ll stick with the first two choices.

  “I’m really hurt there Princess. I thought I was your most favorite person in the whole world.”, Kyle replies slightly offended. I rub the temples of my head. What is wrong with that boy?

  “Kyle you should know by now that we are not friends.  You call me Princess all the time. What is wrong with you?!?!!? I loathe you! You don’t even show me or my friends any respect! You just glower at them! You messed up mine and my friends’ relationship. Will you ever grow up!”, I explode. Dad looks shocked I yelled at a guest. Victor doesn’t look shocked at all; he’s acting as if this is an everyday thing. Wow I feel so loved.

  “Nicole Lily Snape Mal-“, dad almost says Malfoy but stops himself,” We do not raise our voices during meals especially guests. Do you understand?”, dad asks. I nod bowing my head and feeling ashamed that I lost my temper.

  “I’m sorry Kyle for lashing out on you. It’s just my temper isn’t the best right now, I have to take all the tests I missed from Drumstrung in three days”, I apologize.

  We eat lunch peacefully after that. Over all the day went by perfectly. After Kyle left I went down to the lounge tunnel area. I start studying and before I know it I fall asleep down there.

   Blaise P.O.V:

  I go down to the underground lounge and see Nicole asleep. She looks cute when she’s sleeping.  I know she may not want to talk to me. And she has she has every right to not want to talk. I hurt her emotionally. I know though if Voldemort rises to power though I might have to join him. My mum is in love with his beliefs and I’m expected to be the same. I sigh knowing when the time comes I will have to serve him. And I won’t have a choice in the matter unless I want death.

   Professor Albus Dumbledore P.O.V:

  I’m sitting in my office wondering how Sirius even managed to send Harry a Firebolt. I just hope he doesn’t try to contact Jane. They must never meet again. Their fate was prophesied in the stars long before they were born. They were meant to die at their lover’s hand. I don’t think either of them can bear the thought of killing one another.

  Suddenly Professor Sybill Patricia Trelawney came into my office. Her eyes got bigger if possible and she spoke in a raspy voice unlike her own.

  That born of a potion will have many choices to make

  She will have to choice between five,

  Another will try to get in her way,

  If he secedes she will fall but be warned,

Viktor Krum's sister (Sequel to Lily's Daughter)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant