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After Robbie had left, I was all alone again, still watching Teen Titans. It was only 8 o'clock and Mum wasn't back yet. I didn't really mind that she wasn't around all the time because I knew she worked a lot to provide for the both us since Dad had left us just when me and my older sister, Mali-Koa were little. I liked it when mum was home though, she cooked the best food you could ever have. I let out a sigh and looked around the room, my biology book catching my eye.

Homework? Homework.

I chuckled to myself, did I really just make a tfios reference? I shook my head at my cheesiness and opened my book. All of a sudden, a piece of paper slipped out, falling into my lap.

Calum, could you please be my tutor for biology? I didn't ask you when we were studying because you were so into Teen Titans lol.

- Robbieee

p.s I realise you really like Robin... maybe that's a sign that you like me too ;p

My lips curled into a smile and I quickly fished out my phone from my pocket, sending a "Okay, I'll help you" text to Robbie. I folded the note and slipped it into the back of my book before carrying on with my homework.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, I soon realised that we had two pieces of math homework that were due in tomorrow. I let out a groan as I checked the time. It was already 10:47pm and I was too tired to carry on. I rubbed my eyes and thought about what I should do.

I could ask if I could copy Michael's homework but would he even do the homework himself though?

My thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of the ringing of the doorbell. I jumped to my feet and ran to the door.

It's probably mum, maybe she forgot her keys.

I opened the door to only find that was just Luke.

"Luke? Why are you here?" I asked with a confused look when I saw a bruise on his face.

"Umm could I stay the night?" Luke whispered, rubbing his neck.

I slowly nodded, moving out the way for Luke to come inside.

"You won't happen to have a first aid kit, would you?" Luke asked, looking around the house.

"Yeah we do, let me go get it. Come into the kitchen and help yourself to a drink or snack. The cups are in the top left cupboard, " I told him, pointing to the door that led to the kitchen. Luke gave me a nod and walked into the kitchen.

What hell has just happened?

+edited 17.11.2016
a/n: Omds, why is this so mf short??  470+ words as well loool 😂

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