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I continuously tapped onto the wooden table, staring at the clock. The room was silent apart from the continuous ticking noise of the clock that was evident in the room.

10 minutes to go.

15 minutes for Luke.

haha Luke

I looked to the front of the class where Mr. Pres sat, marking his tests papers and assignments. I could feel a tense gaze and turned my head to see Luke's blue eyes staring deeply into my brown ones. He had a small smirk on his face and his arms were crossed over each other as he slouched in his seat. I rolled my eyes at his actions and turned my attention to something else, other than Luke.

"Boys you may leave now, I have something important to do and I can't watch you two so you are dismissed from detention" Mr. Pres announced as he began to clear his desk, getting up from his seat.

I got up, grabbing my bag before saying a quick 'goodbye' and leaving the room. I walked down the corridors, looking for the exit which I soon found and pushed open the doors to that led to the courtyard.

"Oi Calum! Wait up!" I heard a voice yell.

I didn't look back, knowing who the voice belonged to. However, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was turned around to be met with a grinning Luke.

"What is it Luke?" I said hastily, wanting to get home and far away from Luke as possible.

"Do you want a ride home?" He asked, letting go of my shoulder to scratch the back of his Bmwbneck.

Hmm.. well I do want to get home quickly-- omg no Calum.

"No thanks, I'll just take the bus" I said, turning back around, heading towards the front gate.

"I'm not taking no as an answer so come on, let's go," Luke demanded, grabbing my wrist and dragging me to his car that happened to be  a dark blue BMW.

Fücking rich boy.

I let out a sigh, knowing not to fight back because either way, Luke was still going to force me to let him take me home. He opened the passenger door for me and I muttered out a small 'thank you' and slid into the passenger seat, closing the door behind me. I watched Luke jogged around the car and into the driver's seat. I placed my bag onto the car floor and pulled out my phone, remembering to call Michael when I got out of detention.

I pressed the call sign on his contact and held the phone up to my ear.

"Who you calling?" I heard Luke say as he began to reverse out of his parking and exit the school's parking lot.

"Michael," I simply replied.

Luke gave me a nod before turning his attention to the road ahead of him.

Michael soon picked up with a loud greeting, "Calum! You survived!"


"Are you still at school?" Michael asked.

"No. Luke is driving me home," I muttered.

"Luke?! As in Luke Hemmings? Why is he driving you home?" I heard another familiar voice say.

"He offered - well more like forced - to drive me home" I said with a frown.

"I didn't hear you decline my offer babe," Luke interrupted.

"Yes I did! I told you that I could of taken the bus but noo, you just had to drag me into this car!" I argued, glaring at the blonde boy who had a stupid smirk on his face.

"Anyways, would you like to come over tomorrow so we can hang out and get to know each other more," Michael offered.

"Yeah! We can hang out in Mikey's pool. It's gonna be hot tomorrow - like reaaaaal hot" I heard Ashton say excitedly.

"Sure, just text me your address and I'll come whenever you want me to, " I told them.

"Okay! You can come by around 11ish. Anwayss, me and Ash got a hardcore video game match to play so see ya tomorrow!"

"Have fun and bye!" I replied before ending the call and slipping my phone back into my pocket.

"Hey Cal, where do you live?" Luke asked, tapping on the wheel as we stopped at a traffic light.

I realised I hadn't told Luke where I lived so I quickly told him my address which happened to be on the same street as Luke's.

"Cool. Maybe I can take you home everyday, " Luke flirted, winking at Calum.

I gave him a punch on the arm and shook my head. The car began to move again after the traffic lights turned green, signalling for Luke to continue driving.

"Uhm no thanks. I prefer the bus driver's company more than yours," I retorted.

"Ouch, that hurts more than the punch you just gave me," Luke rubbed his chest with one hand, pretending to wince in pain.

"Oh shut up and just take me home,"

"Well we're taking the long way home," Luke sang, winking at me once again.

I rolled my eyes and shuffled around in the leather passenger seat to make myself more comfortable. I let out a deep breath before closing my eyes so I could have a short nap.

Might as well sleep, what can I do anyways?

+edited 8.11.2016
a/n: after editting, I literally add 100 more words every time lmao.  ayee did you notice my cheeky reference in there btw ;)) I'm listening to 'Waste The Night' atm. Tbh its one of my favourite songs in the SGFG album hehe wbu?

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