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I sat down beside Michael and Ashton on the old wooden bench, placing my bag onto my lap as I leaned against the wall behind me.

"Hey guys, " I greeted with a smile.

"Oh hey Cal, what happened to you on Saturday?" Ashton asked, smiling back at me.

"My mum needed me home thats all," I lied. The events of that day rushing back into my mind. I shook my head, trying to rid myself of them thoughts.

"Are you sure? Because when Luke came out of the kitchen, he had a big fat smirk on his face," Michael wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"I bet they fücked on the counter," I heard Ash whisper to Michael"

"Eww! Why would you even say that! I eat my food on that counter ya know!" Michael whined.

"But look at the hickey on Cal's neck! It's the size of the moon!" Ashton exaggerated, chuckling loudly.

My eyes widen as I remembered the existence of the big purpley red mark that was on my neck. "It's not what you think! I-I uh- got bitten by a bug?"

"Hmm you don't seem so sure about that, Calum," Mikey smirked at me.

"I did though!"

"Im guessing Luke was the bug?" Ashton laughed.

I felt my cheeks burn up and I turned away from the two laughing boys. Before they could say anything else, the bell rang and I jumped to my feet and ran into the hallways, waving goodbye to Ash and Mikey before we lost sight of each other. I pulled out my schedule from my bag, scanning through it to check what my first lesson was. I still wasn't able to memorise my whole schedule off by heart. My eyes widen as I realised what class I had.

I have biology with Luke.

I let out a sigh and walked to class.

"Good morning Sir," I greeted the teacher as I walked in. He gave me a nod of acknowledgement before returning his attention back to his laptop. I noticed not many people were in class yet so I sat down in my assigned seat and waited for everyone to arrive.

I pulled out my biology book from my bag along with my pencil and pen. The second bell rang and the rest of the class began to pile in. I felt a presence beside me and I turned to see a darkish blue - almost black - haired boy with green eyes grinning at me as he placed himself onto to the seat beside me.

"Calum, the new kid right?" He spoke.

"Thats me, the new kid," I smiled uneasily.

"My name's Robin Casper but you can call me Robbie! Welcome to New Woodlands!"

"Well I'm Calum Hood but you already know that."

"So what brings you here to New Woodlands?" Matt asked me, tapping his pen on the table.

"I had to move houses because of my mum's new job, that's it really," I explained.

"Thats cool, you live near Hemmings?"

"Yeah. How do you know?"

"I saw you in the neighbourhood with him so I just guessed you lived near him" He said with a smile. "So what-"

"You're in my seat, Casper," I heard someone say.

I looked up to see Luke with a stern look on his face who was glaring at Robbie, his arms crossed over his broad chest.

"Whatever Luke, your seat is over there so go sit down," I told him, pointing to the empty seat at back that belonged to him.

I watched him clench his fists and he kissed his teeth before storming back to his assigned seat. Suddenly, the third bell rang meaning that classes had started.

Tf how many bells are there?!

"There are 4 bells in total, the first one means that you should start to get to class. Second one means that you should be in class by now and third means classes are starting. Oh and the fourth means break," Robbie explained to me.

I nodded and remained silent for the rest of the class as Mr. Bernal began to teach. I turned back to see Luke glaring at me and Robbie but I was pretty sure he was glaring at mostly Robbie.

I let out a sigh as I turned back to the front of the class and began to copy out the notes that were written on the board.

"Wanna hear a joke?" I heard Robbie whisper to me.

"Go on then," I shrugged.

"Okayy then. What is pink, goes in hard and dry and comes out soft and wet?" He asked.

I felt my cheeks began to burn up and I pursed my lips, not knowing what to say, just in case I ended up saying something wrong or something totally different.

Is this some sort of dirty joke?

"I don't know.. what is it?"

"Bubblegum!" He laughed.

I let out a chuckle and shook my head.

"Casper. Hood. Quit playing around, it isn't breaktime yet!" Mr. Bernal snapped at us.

"Sorry Sir," We apologised in unison.

"I can tell we're gonna be good friends, Calum," Robbie said to me with a smile.

"Yeah, we will," I smiled back.

"Hey Calum?"

"Yes Robbie?"

"Nice hickey you got there" He smirked.

"I- Its not a hickey! I got bitten by a b- bug!" I whined.

"Mkay. Whatever you say but I heard that Luke gave it to you," Matt rolled his eyes at me.

"What? Who told you that?"

"Luke was bragging about it earlier on."

"Well he did but theres nothing going between me and Luke! He's just playing me" I admitted.

He's just playing me

+edited 15.11.2016
a/n: yeah, I had to change the character of Matthew Espinosa because I dont like him anymore and tbh, I didn't think he fit in with the characters anyways so I just made up some random äss name lmao. I haven't edited all my chapters so please be aware that "Matthew / Matt" hasn't been changed.

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