Just wanted to put another one of those "funnies"

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Mare: What's your greatest fear?

Cal: You. 

Mare: Really? Am I that scary?

Cal: I'm afraid that you'll see yourself the way I do.......then leave me for another man.

Mare, blushing: Cal, I—

Kilorn, running towards the pair: IT'S GOT A GUN! THE CHIMPANZEE'S GOT A GUN!


 Mare: Okay, but I still don't see the problem.

Evangeline: You convinced them to, didn't you?

Mare: What kind of mother do you think I am?

Evangeline: A bad one.

Mare: Just because I give a few threats it does not make me a bad mother.

Evangeline: No, but letting them raid my underwear drawer does.





Kilorn: Look, this is not what it looks like. I know—

Cal: I know what it is. You—

Kilorn: No no no, hear me out.

Cal: Fine. But don't expect—

Kilorn: I had the blueberry slushie, Mare had the red one.

Cal, fuming: Then why—

Kilorn: The thing was, I drank some of hers, then she stole my slushie and that's why she's with a headache.


Coriane: Daddy, how did you meet mom?

Cal: Well you see—

Shade: Was it love at first sight?

Mare: No, I was sceptical about him.

Coriane: Is it the same as true love?

Cal: You see-

Shade: Sceptical at first sight. That's a thing?

Mare: No, we—


Mare: What were you doing covered in mud!?!

Coriane: We were wrestling.

Mare: Well what gave you the idea?

Shade: You do it all the time with Daddy. But don't worry, we left our clothes on.






If the movie comes out:

Friend: Wow, Red Queen was a really good movie.

Me: Yeah....actually, it was.

Friend: The betrayal was really unexpected.

Me: Even though we knew it all along, it was still surprising.

Friend: I didn't. How did you?

Me: Because I—wait....have you even read the series?



Friend: There's a series?



Me: You did not just say that.

He he. I know I'm not funny.

This is the third writer typing, and have a good day🙂

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