Old Friends Part 4

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"Well..... I should probably just go now. It was nice seeing you again." Mare said shyly.

Maven smirked, knowing that Cal would finally have the guts to see her in three....two...one...


"Hey Mavey, who's at the door..." Cal purposely intended to say things the way you hear them. He was always the, uh, dramatic one, if you will.

It took everything he had for Maven not to roll his eyes. "Mare, do you remember who this is?" He asked, jerking his head towards his older brother.

Know him? I made the mistake of dating him. Then he goes ahead and cheats on me with a....

"Yes," Mare said flatly.


"I thought you said that Mare wasn't coming."

He sighed. "Well, how could I have known that she was going to steal my wallet?"

Cal growled, but said nothing.

It was at this moment that Maven realized having your brother cook you rainbow-colored food was the most annoying thing in the world. That prize went to not moving on from old girlfriends.

Especially this one.

The big oaf ran a hand down his face. "Well, that was a strange meeting."

Maven snorted. "How could it not, Cal? You were just stammering and blubbering like a toddler while Mare could barely look into your eyes without a sense of longing. Do me a favor next time and just make out when you see each other again."

His older brother was flabbergasted. 

Seeing that he wasn't going to speak, Maven chuckled. "It won't be long before I see Mare again with a pack of condoms. I'll tell her you said—"

"Said what?"

"That you missed her. Plain and simple."

Cal scoffed again, the bid his brother goodnight.


Last week of summer vacation, and once again, Maven saw Mare with junk food and condoms.

"Your brother has a very high sex-drive, if you don't mind my saying." He sighed, going through a normal routine.

Mare blushed. "Actually, these aren't for Shade..."

Maven raised a thin brow. "You mean to tell me that your other brothers need them?"

"They're responsible enough to get some themselves."

"So they're for.....Gisa?"

Mare's eyes nearly popped out of her skull. "Heavens, no. She's too young and mature for that."

Gasp. "These aren't for..."

"They are."

"I thought you said you broke up with Tyton seven weeks ago."

"I..I did."

Another gasp. "So you're sleeping around with other guys?!?!"

"Shut up," Mare snapped. "And it's not like that."

"Ah. So who's your boyfriend?"

"You know what, how about I just give you the money. How much?"

"Uh, 20.97. So who—"

Mare didn't let him finish, just gave him the money and rushed off with the cart.

Now what a peculiar situation, Maven thought as he tended to the next customer.


Because he was a polite soul, Maven had the decency to knock on his brother's front door. "Cal? Cal. Cal, it's me."

After about ten minutes, the door opened to a very disheveled Cal Calore. "Hey Mavey. I wasn't expecting you."

"I know you weren't. So where's the girl?"

"What girl?"

"I can tell if you're lying. You have a girl hiding somewhere, I could hear the shuffling."

Cal sighed, then tried to fix his hair. "There is no girl. I was just doing......stuff..

Maven couldn't help but grin evilly. "And Mare just happens to be that stuff. It's nice to see you again, by the way." He added, nodding towards her direction.

She just glared at him, then pulled the oversized t-shirt down as she trudged to the kitchen to where the junk food was.

And that's the end of that little mini-verse. Thank you, faithful reader. And thank you @HamiltonPotterGirl, for not telling my mom about that one-shot.

This is the third writer speaking, and have a good day🙂

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