Dancing 'Neath the Moonlight.

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Coriane was sound asleep when tiny, nail-bitten fingers prodded her awake.

"Coriane? Wake up. I'm thirsty."

"Hmm?" She groaned, then rolled over to face her younger brother. "What is it?"

"I said that I'm thirsty," Shade whispered, so as he wouldn't wake his parents. "Can you get me water?"

"You can ask mom and dad." She was rubbing the sleep off her eyes.

"But they said that you were supposed to give me something at night to help me sleep. They'll understand."

"Understand what?" She yawned.

"Just give me water, please?" He was growing impatient.

"No. Go ask Dad." She turned, facing her back to him.

"He says ask you. You're older!"

"Not as old as Dad. Go ask him!"

"He likes you the most, though!"

"I'm just older than you! That's why! So go ask him!" They were whisper-yelling now, still afraid that their parents might hear them.

"Ugh, fine! But you owe me your cookies." That was enough to get his older sister out of bed, growling and trudging to the kitchen, Shade in tow. 

To get to the kitchen they had to pass through their parents' bedroom. Nothing was really special about it, but they noticed there was no sign of life in it. Not even their father's snoring could have been heard.

The children were alarmed at the fact, but still tiptoed to the kitchen to get water. Coriane found that her throat was quite sore. 

The music and sliding of bare feet were heard before seen.

Shade and Coriane found themselves peering through the dining hall, and seeing two people dancing by the light of the moon. A beautiful sight, really.

What made it all the more enchanting was that they knew that they fell in love this way.


Cal couldn't be more content than he was now, gliding across the cool floor with the love of his life, and noticing two pairs of eyes watching.

Yet he still couldn't believe that things had gotten this far. So far as to have this moment, with nothing to hide from anybody. This moment, on the night that he realized he was head-over-heels for Mare exactly over decade ago

"You have no idea how much I love you," he whispered softly to the top of her head.

She then gazed into his soft, bronze eyes. "Then enlighten me. Exactly how much?"


Shade was almost disgusted by his response. "I thought he loved us. How can he love us kids if he loves mom with his 'heart and soul'?!?"

"Shut up, Shade. You'll make them hear us." Coriane kept staring.

"But he loves us with what if not his heart or soul?"

"I said shut up!" She nearly yelled at him. 

"Okay, jeez. But why are we here?"

"You tell me."

"Ugh, yuck. Are they kissing?!?!?

"Like you never see people kiss before. Didn't you also-"

"But it's Mom and Dad! That should be illegal!" The boy complained as they hurried to their bedrooms. They did not want to witness any more.

Just as Shade was settled in and comfortable, he realized the real reason he wanted to go downstairs. Oh well, he thought. As much as the thought of a middle-aged couple kissing was repulsive to him, he couldn't help but think of how magical the feeling of love felt, and how  the great Tiberias the Seventh fell in love with Mare Barrow from the Stilts by dancing 'neath the moonlight.

Not to brag or anything, but I find myself quite poetic and romantic in a sense. I hope ya'll enjoyed this little scene that's been bubbling in my head for a while.

This is the third writer speaking, and have a good day🙂

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