Drinks and Happy Tunes

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I need to write this. It's been bubbling in my head for a while, but this is not what the title says. Hope you enjoy.

Mare was currently cleaning up from dinner when a thud landed at her door. She has assumed it was the wind slamming on the screen door, until it started to sing: 

"What shall we do with the drunken sailor, 

What shall we do with the drunken sailor,

What shall we do with the drunken sailor early in the morning...."

Mare was worried about who it might be, and her suspicions were correct when she opened the door to reveal a drunken man with tawny hair. His face was flat on the porch.

"Oh my—Kilorn, what are you doing here?!?!"

"I don't know. I just—I don't know. I came to my happy childhood memory. Who are you?" He slurred, looking up at her with glassy eyes.

"But our childhood was left behind miles away from here!!" She yelled while hauling him into her living room and onto her couch. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up," she insisted, tugging his shirt up.

Kilorn slapped her hand away and tried to cover his torso. "Don't do that! I have a girlfriend! And a best friend that's a girl who will beat you up for trying to take off my clothes! Who are you?" 

Mare groaned in frustration. "My name is Mare."

He gasped. "No way! My best friend's name is Mare, too! You even look like her, with her pretty hair and eyes..... Ooh, I know!"

"What is it?"

"You're her twin sister!"

She pinched the bridge of her nose to refrain herself from punching her best friend. "So maybe I am. But twins are exactly the same, so you can tell me what you would tell her. But first go clean yourself up."

He hanged his head in sadness, but didn't move an inch. "I didn't want to fight her."


"My girlfriend. She would laugh, I would laugh, we joke, and send letters, until that moment...." he sighed wistfully, as of he were sober now. "We just fought. For no reason.

"I really loved her, but I don't know what to do now. Where's Mare, twin sister?"

So he was still drunk. "I am Mare. But how did you get drunk?"

"Mare's boyfriend. They had a fight too."

How could she forget? Come to think of it, why had they fought in the first place? "Why don't you go back to her house?"

"She doesn't want me to come back. And I can't go to Cal's house, because he wants to be alone with the beer and his cycle. And Mare will maybe be angry at me for getting drunk." He started singing again, but in a much more upbeat tune.

Eventually the singing faded out , and they were left in silence. He started to speak again. "Can I spend the night here?"

"Yeah, sure."

He smiled and patted her cheek. "Thank you, twin sister."

A little shorter than I anticipated, but it's nighttime and I'm tired. Can I just say thank you for reading all the way up to this point? It really means a lot. 

Taylor says that I should stop being better at my writing than her, but maybe it's just me updating more often.

This is the third writer typing, and have a good day🙂

*One shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang