Chapter Twenty-Three- Up In Smoke

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I stared at the floor of the ship in silence. That was all I really did since we left... it was all I really could do. My hands were tied behind my back, and every part of my body ached with exhaustion. I hadn't gotten a full night of sleep in days.

Sunset was descending now, and the sky was blazing purple and red above the ship. From where I kneeled on the deck, I could hear the Gorum Tribe below me. They were partying, for their troubles were over.

As I listened, there was a crash followed by obnoxious laughter.

Suddenly, a tall figure emerged from below. My heart thumped, and my mouth went dry as I recognized Skarde heading right towards me. It was just the two of us alone on the upper deck.

He smiled at me with a sick sort of tenderness, and I began to imagine the possible satisfaction in punching him as hard as possible. I would still be tied there to the mast, trapped, but the relief in feeling my knuckles collide with his face would be worth all his


He knelt to my height and placed a tray of steaming food down in front of me. I refused to so much as glance down at the offering, even if it smelled amazing.

"Do you like my ship?" he asked absentmindedly. "I built it myself, and it's one of a kind... another level below the deck for shelter... It made it much easier to live on this ship for years during our search for you. I guess in some ways, you brought us a few good things too."

I bit my tongue and clenched my fists, struggling to hold in a nasty retort.

Skarde's wandering eyes finally met mine. He reached out, and I recoiled from his hand, but couldn't get far before my bonds pulled me to a stop. His rough palm brushed across my cheek. He pushed my face up.

A crooked smile cracked across his mouth. For the first time, I noticed the misty, faraway look in his grey green eyes.

"Freckles..." he let out a chuckle that sounded more like an animal being choked. "Just like your mother."

Finally, I couldn't take the feeling of his skin touching mine anymore. I whipped my head away with a snarl, "Don't touch me."

If he heard me, he ignored me. "I came to make sure you are prepared," he replied.

My stomach felt sick. If I didn't know him better, I would think he seemed just as unhappy about my unfortunate circumstances as I was... But I knew him better... I knew he was the reason I was chained to this ship. I knew he was the reason I had been forced to live my life as a nomad- on the edge of death every day.

"You have an important responsibility to fulfill, and I truly hope you understand that," Skarde continued.

I couldn't stop myself this time. I scoffed. "Responsibility? My responsibility is to die?!"

"Your responsibility is to your tribe and your family," Skarde corrected. "We love you, and you owe it to us to free us from your mistake."

"Mistake?" I cried. "What was my mistake? That I was born?"

Skarde didn't answer. I felt a powerful blow against my heart.

My father lifted himself to his feet. "Here," he said as he shouldered my cloak off his back. "It's cold up here."

My eyes narrowed, but I couldn't move as he threw the garment over me and clasped it shut under my neck. He straightened himself and wiped his hands. "Goodnight, Runa."

I didn't respond.

He made his way back to the steps, then disappeared below deck. That left me alone in the cold winter air, watching as my breath billowed from my lips and listening to the lapping of waves.

Something off the side of the ship caught my eye. When I lifted my head, I could see a familiar island shrouded in dark smoke drawing near. The Sea Salt Island. It came closer and closer, until we were just off the shore. I averted my eyes to my feet, trying not to allow any memories to arise.

Something began to stir on the island. A huge wall of smoke rose from the trees.

There was a pause as the sounds below deck halted, and my breath caught in my throat. Footsteps raced up the steps.

Then, suddenly, the billow of smoke descended upon us. The last thing I saw was Skarde stumbling onto the main deck, and then, dozens of little black and grey dragons invaded.

I hacked as the entire ship disappeared under a thick layer of smog. Suddenly, a blue eyed Smokebreath appeared in front of me. He chirped.

"Hi again," I chuckled.

The dragon immediately got to work. He and a few others began to tear at the chains around my wrists.

There was a cry and a smash from somewhere in the smoke. Pounding footsteps hurried in my direction.

Skarde staggered into view, swinging a sword blindly. As I watched, he slammed his fist into a Smokebreath, which tumbled right off the edge of the ship.

"Run!" I shouted to the Smokebreaths.

Instead of escaping, the blue eyed Smokebreath let out a hiss and sprung right into my father's face.

Suddenly, the entire ship lurched with a crash. Skarde careened backwards, and I dropped to my knees. The chains yanked on my wrists so hard I gasped in pain.

Skarde ripped the Smokebreath off his chest and threw him so his little body slammed against the wood floor.

"The ship is sinking!" someone shouted.

Skarde clenched his teeth. He eyed me with a wild glimmer in his eyes. Suddenly, he was ripping my chains right from the mast. He threw me over his shoulder with a shout, "You're not getting away this time!"

I screamed as he dove right over the side of the ship. We plunged into the icy cold water.

My heart pounded, and I writhed as the taste of salt invaded my mouth. We emerged into the bitter night air.

I still thrashed, hacking up sea water until Skarde punched me in the head. The world spun.

With a choice between the neverending black abyss beneath me and my father, I chose my father, and I clung to him as he feverishly paddled for land.

The moment my feet hit solid sand, though, I bolted. I kicked water and sand up behind me, my heart pounding in my head. I didn't get far, though. Skarde pounced on me, and my entire body jolted painfully as I hit the ground under his weight. He pressed my face deep into the sand.

"Look at my ship!" Skarde exclaimed, his voice taut with despair. "My ship!"

I twisted my head to see half the ship sinking below the water. What was left of it was barely visible through the dense smoke. The Gorum vikings were diving over the rails and swimming to shore. The Smokebreaths were retreating.

Skarde lifted me up to eye level. "Did you call them here?" He shook me. "Huh? Did you!? You selfish brat!"

The mistiness in his eyes was gone, replaced with a deranged, ruthless fire. I recognized that look. A flashback overtook my brain. I could see a woman's body hitting the ground and not moving again.

Suddenly, there were tears gushing down my cheeks.

Skarde released a scowl that sounded more like the growl of an animal, and he chucked me to the ground. He kicked me in the ribs. A fist flew into my face, and then everything went black.

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