Chapter Sixteen- On the Roof

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I slammed the door shut behind me, rushed to my dresser, and threw the drawer open. I snatched out some clothes and began to peel off my soaked shirt and pants with trembling hands. When I was fully clothed, I grabbed a blanket to throw over my shoulders and fell backwards onto my bed.

The door slowly creaked open. Ripjaw appeared. He lingered in the entrance and watched me for a moment, shuffling his claws, and then spoke gruffly, "It's not my fault you fell. I didn't purposely drop you."

I remained silent.

"You're not listening to me, are you?"

I shot up and whipped around towards him. "You're not listening to me! I don't care if you dropped me on purpose or not! You never even apologized for it. And you make me look like an idiot all the time because I'm dangling from your claws instead of sitting on your back like the others!"

"You know how I feel about you sitting on my back," Ripjaw stated.

"And what about how I feel? Don't you care?" I took a deep breath to continue, but then my brow furrowed, and my mouth shut. I kneaded my forehead. "All we do is argue anymore, Ripjaw."

The dragon never spoke, so I sighed, "I'm going out on the roof."

Without waiting for him to respond, I pushed the window open and crawled through to lower myself out. I slammed the window shut behind me.

The sun was setting. I rested myself on the edge, legs dangling in midair, to watch as the stars began to poke from behind the dying streaks of light. Eventually, the moon replaced the sun, and the sounds of night began to sing. Branches rustled, the distant waves crashed.

I lifted myself almost automatically and danced.

Spinning, tapping, swaying, I allowed my frustrations to fall away with the flicks of my hands. Nature sang. I opened my mouth, and I began to sing with it.

Suddenly, there was a snap from the woods.

I froze, mid-bow, and peeled my head up. At the edge of the forest was a set of trembling bushes.

I dropped from my dancing position and timidly crept backwards.

Snotlout's face appeared from the leaves. "Did I scare you?"

I crossed my arms and huffed. I fixed him with a disapproving stare.

Snotlout guffawed as he pulled himself out of the underbrush, getting stuck on thorns for a moment. He brushed off the dirt clinging to his arms and peered up at my perch high above his head.

"I saw you dancing," he replied. "And singing."

I pursed my lips, ready to smack myself in the face. "You heard that?" I groaned.


"If you ever tell anyone I sing I'll—"

"Wow, wow," he threw up his hands. "Who do you think I am? I wouldn't tell anyone you were singing."

I let out a sigh.

"As long as you tell me how to get up there with you."

I rolled my eyes and pointed to the tree near the rooftop.

For a moment, Snotlout stared, puzzled.

"What's wrong?" I teased, bending down. "You can't climb the tree?"

Snotlout's expression changed into one of indignance. "Are you kidding? Of course I can climb the stupid tree!"

With a crack of his knuckles, he went to work. He wrapped his arms around the tree like he was trying to hug it, and struggled to pull his body. Again and again he tried to haul his weight up the side of the tree.

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