Chapter Thirteen- A New Bond

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I stumbled out of my little house in a daze. A light snow was falling tonight. The first snow of the year. The door slowly fell shut behind me, and I leaned against it, watching as my breath puffed in white clouds from my lips.

I lingered there for a moment.

Your father is coming. We have to leave now!

We have time, Ripjaw. They have at least three other islands to search first.

I blindly shuffled down the pathway towards the center of Berk, pulling my coat tighter around my shoulders and burying my face into my scarf. I wanted my cloak.

Just let me walk around one more time... alone... please.

I slowly staggered down the walkway, passing dark houses in peaceful sleep. I came to the edge of the island and stared out over the ocean. It looked so dark... so cold, especially under the moonlight, with fat flakes of snow spiraling from the sky. The gentle breeze stirred my hair, worn down from the usual ponytail now to frame my shoulders in brunette waves.

I headed back for the village, past the library, all the way to the training ring. I expected to be flooded by memories, but it was as if my brain was clogged. Not a single thought passed through.

As I lingered there, staring into the ring from the outside of the bars, I felt a burning frustration suddenly rising in me. I clenched my teeth and raked my fingers through my hair, ripping a few pieces right out of my scalp. A scream built up in my chest, but I knew I couldn't let it out without drawing attention. So, instead, I ended up kicking the bars around the ring. I leapt back with a gasp of pain, clutching my foot and hopping.


I jumped. I jumped so hard I cried out in surprise, and the one leg I was standing on slipped against the slick stone.

A strong grip caught me under my arms and held me up from behind.

I craned my head back to find Snotlout's face inches above my own. I was practically laying on his chest.

He cracked a charismatic smile and raised an eyebrow. "You do a lot of sneaking around, don't you?"

I tore myself off of him, feeling my cheeks flush. "So do you," I shot back in embarrassment.

Snotlout shrugged and crossed his arms. "Fair. So what are you doing out here?"

"Just uh... watching the first snowfall."

His eyebrow perked in disbelief.

"What are you doing?" I quickly asked.

"Same thing I guess."

"It's just nice to get out once in a while."


For a spell, there was a strained, awkward silence.

"Would you like to keep walking?" Snotlout asked, guestering to the path ahead, now full of snow glittering in torchlight.

"With you?" I questioned, taken aback.



He brushed by me, and as he passed, I caught a glimpse of his upper arm. There was a swollen, purple and blue bruise, obnoxiously obvious against his skin.

He must have noticed me staring, because he defensively jerked his shoulder out of view, and his eyes fell towards the ground. "I was wrestling Hookfang," he assured me with a chuckle.

I decided I better not press, and just hurried after him down the path of shimmering snow.

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked.

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