Please Say Yes

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Jungkook fiddled around in his office, he no longer needed to do much digging now that he knew who the slanderer is but he wasn't ready to do anything about it just yet. How could he possibly put his best friend in jail? He couldn't. It didn't feel right. He hated being in this position, he hated that Yoongi put him in this position.

Yoongi has always been like an older brother to him, hell, he was the one who helped him even get his current job. It felt like Jungkook would be throwing that in his face if he turned him in. But this was I-L-L-E-G-A-L. What Yoongi was doing was illegal; he was stealing money from his own company! Jungkook's company!

Jungkook presses his palms to his eyes with a groan. How did it come to this? Was Yoongi struggling with money? Did he need extra cash for some reason? He could've gone to Jungkook; Jungkook would do anything for Yoongi and the elder knows this, so why? Why slander thousands of dollars from the place you work? Couldn't he have stolen from another company dammit! One Jungkook wasn't working for? There had to be a logical explanation and he was going to find out what that reason was.

With determination in his eyes, Jungkook got up from his desk and walked to his door. He was going to call Yoongi to his office and get a proper explan—

A shriek burst from his chest as he came face to face with Minho. He slapped a hand to his chest to calm his beating heart.

"God, Minho, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Jungkook panted.

Minho chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry 'bout that. I was hoping we could talk? It's Monday and you said we would..."

"Oh, right! Of course! Um, come in, come in!" He moved aside to allow Minho to enter. He'll have to wait for his "talk" with Yoongi. A talk that probably involved a lot of crying. Namely from Jungkook.

"Sorry, was this a bad time? You looked like you were headed somewhere,"

"What? Oh, no, nowhere important! Ha-ha. Just—bathroom. But I can hold it," Jungkook chuckled nervously. He hoped he wasn't acting weird. This was his first encounter knowing Minho was Jin's ex.

They stood awkwardly, neither knowing what to say or where to start. Jungkook was having an internal battle about whether he should sit at his desk or the couch because the desk meant business affairs but the couch was more for casual convo—but was it too casual? Did that insinuate causality—wait, wrong word, or is it?

"Right," Minho started, apparently content with just standing. "I wanted to apologize once again. I shouldn't have kissed you like that. I just—I thought you were giving me signals? You would laugh at my jokes and I saw those little smiles you try to hide and I thought they were meant for me—"

That's flirting? Jungkook thought. He was just acting how he always acted, did that come off as approachable? He should start reevaluating his whole life.

"—and I just got out of a relationship, so I could've just been looking for signs? I don't know, I just—I like you, Jungkook. I wanna see where this goes if it's just in my head or if you actually feel something for me. I wanna get to know you better. Please, please, let me take you out," Minho held his hands up as if praying for Jungkook to say the magic word.

Jungkook was stiff. To say he was shocked was an understatement. Minho just confessed; Minho—Jin's ex-boyfriend. Minho, the man he literally rejected last week.

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