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Jungkook groaned as he laid his head on the massive amount of paperwork covering his desk. This was not what he was expecting when he took the promotion his boss gave him. Sure, he got a very generous raise but was it worth the amount of stress he was put through? Fuck yeah, it was! His salary was finally in the six-digit category.

Jungkook leaned back in his office chair with a sigh and loosened his tie, feeling slightly overwhelmed from the amount of work his boss just loaded him with. 'No wonder the pays so good, no one in their right mind would do this shit for my old pay,' the male thought. Jungkook's phone beeps letting him know he just received a text. It was Taehyung.

GucciHoochi: Ayo bitch wat u doin

JuanCock: Workin, unlike ur gucci lovin ass. Wat u want

GucciHoochi: exsqueeze me slut but whos the manager of one of the main branchs of Gucci in Korea? That's right, its me. And that's Gucci with a capital G to u peasant.

JuanCock: wat do u want tae

GucciHoochi: lets go out tonight, u been bustin ur back workin when u should be bustin a nut fuckin

JuanCock: cant. Got work, im already behind on a lot of shit

GucciHoochi: don't care. Were going. Im picking u up @ 9 and u better be wearing Gucci, I refuse to be seen with anyone not representin. Bye.

Jungkook sighed for the hundredth time that day and threw his phone back on his desk. He knew Tae wouldn't let him off with a simple no, no matter how much stress he was under. But Taehyung was right, he did need a stress-free night if only for tonight. He's been working the last month none-stop since he was promoted, barely getting four hours of sleep a night. Leaving the office late and showing up early was starting to takes its toll on him. It was just one night out—hell it was Friday already and everyone already left the office but him and a few other workaholics.

Getting up from his desk, Jungkook slipped his phone into his pocket and organized the paperwork on his desk to be gone through tomorrow. He hated to work on a Saturday, but he needed the documents completed by Monday for the IRS to go through. He worked for a modeling company in the middle of Seoul, it was one of the biggest modeling agencies in the country but lately, he's noticed that some money has gone missing from the budget. His new supervisor has been breathing down his neck wanting an explanation for this. It looked to be going back a few years, so he has a lot of shit to go through. But that can wait for tomorrow.

Jungkook made his way out of his office to the elevators. He received a sneer from the old receptionist that work on his floor, the accounting floor. He blew her a kiss before stepping on the elevator, watching her as the doors closed all the while he stared her down smiling happily. Even putting a hand on his hip and flipping his short hair with the other. As soon as the doors closed his smile dropped and he relaxed his posture, he hated that bitch. If he could he would've fired her ass a long ass time ago, but she was here longer and had seniority over him. 'Fucking hag.' Ever since he came out and somehow everyone in his workstation found out, they've all been different towards him. Being gay wasn't illegal in Korea but it was still frowned upon. 'Homophobes be damn.'

The doors opened and Jungkook made his way out of the building, he felt the weight on his shoulders lift as he walked to his car. Yeah, he needed a stress-free Friday night. He decided to text Tae to let him know.

JuanCock: you've better have bought me the latest Gucci

GucciHoochi: of course bish! Do u not see my username?! Btw I gotta tell u wat happened in the store today and w're not going out alone tonight

JuanCock: wat happened?

GucciHoochi: ill tell u tonite ill b @ ur place around 7

Jungkook smiled as he threw his phone in the passenger side seat and pulled out of the parking lot. He wasn't all that happy about going with people other than Taehyung tonight but it wouldn't spoil his mood. He needed to stay positive. For some reason Jungkook was very excited about tonight, he wasn't sure why, but he felt like something exciting was going to happen. And Taehyung wasn't going to be the cause of it.

Wattpad won't let me do italics so the single quotation marks are inner thoughts

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