Gucci? Gucci.

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"Get up, bitch, we're going shopping."

Jin moaned and pulled the covers over his head, regretting ever giving Jimin a key to his apartment.

"Ah, ah, ah! Get up whore, you've been in bed for two days straight crying over that piece of shit. I did not raise you to be a weak bitch, now get up!" Jimin pulled back the covers, throwing them completely off the bed.

Jin shivered and curled into a ball keeping his eyes closed. "Jimin, go away, I don't feel good," Jin whined.

"Probably because the only movement you've done in the last two days was to get up to shit and piss. Hell, you even made the pizza boy deliver straight to your bed, Jin!" Jimin sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Look, Jinnie, staying in bed and mopping around is doing nothing but making you even more depressed. That bastard is already out there fucking who knows, posting that shit on insta—and before you say anything I did unfollow him, but I still stalk him. For you. And for me, just in case you finally give me permission to bust a cap in his ass. Anyway, we can't have that bastard knowing how much he's broken you, baby. Don't let him know he's won."

Jin finally opens his eyes to meet Jimin's. "What's he posting on Instagram?"

"I'm not gonna answer that—but! It's enough to make me come over to get you to go shopping for some new clothes so we can go out tonight!"

Jin moaned, shoving his face back into his pillow. Jin wasn't gonna lie, hearing that Minho was already out partying like he felt nothing after their relationship ended hurt. "Oh, no you don't, bitch. Get up!" Jimin says as he grabs Jin's arm and tries to pull him out of the bed. Keyword: tries. "Fuck, Jin, did you gain weight?" That seemed to do the trick as Jin sat up quickly, making Jimin fall on his ass with a hiss.

"I think the fuck not." Jin growls down at him.

"Awh, there's the hoe I know. Now go get dressed, and shower. You smell like shit."

"Jimin, I don't—"

"No, Jin. We are going out and you are going to get dicked down tonight! No ifs, ands or buts! Well, actually all the butts—and we're going to post it all over the internet! You know what else? You're going to Snap you having sex and send it to him! On infinity!"

Jin blinked. "Ah, Jimin?"

"Too much?"

"Just a little bit."

"Well, if you saw what he's been posting on his SnapChat..." Jimin trailed off, getting up from his position on the floor. "Anyway, go get dressed. We need to go buy you a new outfit and me some more lube. You ain't the only one trying to get the 'D' tonight."

Jin was quiet for a few minutes before he quietly asked, "Is he really out getting laid, already? We literally broke up three days ago. We were together for two years."

"I know, sweetie. I know." Jimin reaches out and begins smoothing out Jin's bed head. "Some people can break up and not feel a thing while others..."

"Don't shower, eat shit food and cry themselves to sleep?" Jin provided.

Jimin nodded sadly. "Men really ain't shit."


It took Jin an hour to shit, shower and shave before he was finally feeling relatively close to normal again. He put on some sweats and a hoodie before leaving his room to find Jimin watching "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" on his flat screen in the living room.

Jimin looks up from the TV and gives Jin a once over before muttering under his breath, "Thank God we're going shopping."

"I heard that, you ass."

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