Something I Will Never Miss

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Minho ushered Jin to a small table for two in the corner of the small cafe. It was cute and quaint but not like Namjoon's; not as cozy and intimate. Minho pulled out a seat and Jin plopped himself down. He was beginning to sweat because of the drastic change in temperature and attempted to remove the jacket but was stopped by his ex.

"Leave it on, your lips are still discolored, so you need to stay warm." Despite not wanting to, Jin's mind said he should listen. "Do you want your usual?" Minho asked.

Somewhere in his mind sirens were blaring; this was too familiar. Jin nodded curtly.

Minho left to get their order. Jin wasn't sure why he was helping him or why he even agreed to get into his car for that matter. Jin knew he wasn't thinking right, maybe he was in a state of shock. That would explain his lack of responses because even he knew he wasn't acting right.

As Jin's body began thawing to the temperature, he began shivering. He didn't realize how cold he was until he ran his hands over his thighs and felt barely anything, he was so numb from the cold. He pulled Minho's coat closer for warmth despite being a little sweaty as well and flinched at the familiar scent of cologne. For some reason, the smell cleared some of the cloudiness from his mind. He remembered his fight with Jungkook, the words he said. He said such horrible things to him. Jin was still hurt but he was being a little irrational when he had called Jungkook a coward, he knew his boyfriend was in wrong and he clung to that; afraid of it being swept under the rug as he had done with Minho.

It was something they needed to sort out one on one. Jin just hopes what he said didn't break them. He hoped Jungkook knew that everything he said was said in anger.

Despair and heartache were the first emotions to filter through Jin after hours of nothing and it took everything not to burst into tears in that little cafe. Frantically, he searched his pockets for his phone only to remember he threw the damn thing in the trash on some random corner. He also remembered he gave all the money he got from Namjoon to a homeless man. He wasn't even drunk and he was still doing dumb shit. He wanted to weep at the thought of asking Minho for a ride back to his apartment, not wanting to owe Minho anything even if it was something as simple as a car ride. Jin rested on the table as his head began to throb.

The loud screeching of the chair across from Jin made him jump as Minho sat himself and their orders down. It was surprisingly fast, Jin wanted a few more minutes to clear his head and put a plan together.

"One hot chocolate with a splash of coffee and a bowl of red bean porridge for you and one large Americano for me."

The sight of food made Jin's stomach gurgle and he couldn't tell if it was from hunger or nausea. He picked up his spoon anyway knowing the feeling was either going to go away or increase until he vomited. Either way, he'll get some type of relief. He dug into his porridge, moaning in pleasure at the first taste. He loved red bean porridge, especially during the winter.

Minho watched him, eyes narrowed in a way that would've sent shivers down his back when they dated but only causes him discomfort now.

Setting down his spoon after a few more bites before wiping his face with a napkin, Jin cleared his throat. "Thank you for picking me up, and for the food, Minho." Jin gave a slight bow in appreciation. He wanted to be as formal as possible with his ex. Putting up a barrier between them of formality will help put more distance between them.

Minho waved him off. "You looked like you needed a ride, it was freezing and you had no jacket, you know? What was that about? Why were you walking around at 7 in the morning? Are you crazy? You could get seriously sick, Jin. And who would look after you? Jimin?" He snorted in disbelief. "That man can't even take care of his own life let alone—"

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