Family Part 2

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"How are you? What are you up to now?" Jungkook's mother asked, smiling. Her eyes were still red from crying earlier, but it didn't mask her beauty one bit under the warm lights of the coffee shop.

"He's an accountant!" Junghyun answered for him as he sipped on his sugary tea drink next to Jungkook. He's refused to part from his older brother's side since he's found him. It touched Jungkook. "I thought it was code for being a stripper, but he's actually an accountant!"

Jungkook laughed. So, accountant is code for stripper? Wait until Taehyung hears about this, Jungkook thought, amused.

"Yeah, I'm an accountant for one of the modeling agencies downtown," Jungkook said, taking a drink of his Americano.

"That's amazing," His mother gushed. "That sounds like a great job! Your father would be so proud."

Jungkook nodded but didn't comment. He never blamed his mother for what happened back then, but he hated how she never tried to reach out. It was obvious now that she didn't agree with the punishment his father dished out all those years ago, but the fact that she never tried to contact him hurt.

"So, how did you manage to get that job? It sounds wonderful." Chae-won asked curiously, sipping her coffee delicately.

The question sparked a small amount of anger inside him, but he managed to swallow it down. It was an indirect reminder of his struggles since the incident. Shrugging, he said, "I got my GED then went off to university. I was always good with numbers, as you might remember."

Chae-won smiled down at her drink. "Yes, I remember. You always said numbers were easier than words."

"I still stick to that statement," Jungkook chuckled.

They chatted a while, minutes turning into hours rather quickly as the three caught up. Each one bringing up memories of the past, the good times, of course, and of what Junghyun has been doing recently.

Sitting this close to his little brother allowed him to see the little blue circle that were on him flannel were actually embroidered there. His mother was still covering up the damaged parts.

It was nice to catch up in such a warm setting. Baby photos were pulled up on cellphones and even phone numbers were exchanged. It was nice. Until it wasn't.

"Jungkook," His mother starts. It was clear that she had been working up the courage the entire time for this moment specifically. "I know we've been avoiding the topic for a while, but...we need to talk about your father."

Jungkook inhaled deeply. He was actually hoping to avoid the topic of his father altogether.

"He's never stopped thinking about you," Chae-won said softly. "I know he regrets what he did to you, but you know how stubborn he is. I'm sure—no, I know he didn't mean—"

"Mother, I'd rather not—"

"It was such a long time ago anyway, I don't see why—"

"Mom—" Jungkook tried again.

"What he did to you was uncalled for, I know that. But your father loved you, he was just taken by surprise when we saw you with—with him. He should have thought it through before he did that but he never stopped loving you—"

"Do not defend that man to me. Do not sit here and tell me he 'didn't mean it'."

His mother's eyes widened at his cold tone. "Jungkook, I-"

He held up a hand to silence her. "I know you love him and you stuck by his side for years, but that does not justify his actions, not to me."

"What he did to you was wrong, I know, but I think if you talked-"

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