Baby Blue

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Jungkook locked his car as he made his way back to Jin's apartment still shocked by what he discovered. Yoongi was one of his closest friends and yet he felt like he knew nothing about him. How could he do this behind his back? Against the company he's worked for for years? How could he not see this betrayal coming?

Because Yoongi never gave him a reason to distrust him. He was loyal—or at least he appeared to be.

Fuck, he even dated Hoseok! Did Hoseok know his ex was a thief? Maybe that's why they broke up. Jungkook was never given a clear answer on why the two ended their relationship but maybe it was because Hoseok found out and didn't want it to be known that he was dating a scammer.

Yoongi, The Scammer.

Jungkook groaned, pressing his palms to his temple. He had so many thoughts running through his head along with emotions he couldn't yet decipher. Should he be angry? Sad? Scared? Screw that last one, he was Jeon Jungkook, he could totally take on Yoongi. Unless he decided to steal his identity. Oh God, what if he steals my identity?!

Jungkook, that's stupid. This is Yoongi we're talking about here. He would never do that.

Or would he? Just a moment ago I wouldn't have suspected him to be a hacker but now we've got receipts!

The worst thing Yoongi has ever done was steal a beanie from a store because he forgot to take it off after trying it on! Not to mention he went back, apologized, and paid for it anyway.

But the receipts!

Don't forget about all those times you forged your mother's signature just to go on field trips in middle school.

That is not the same thing!

Jungkook shook his head when he realized he was standing in the middle of the parking lot in the middle of the night, shirtless, staring at nothing while making weird expressions that went along with the conversation he was having inside his head. This was normal, right?

He continued his way back to the apartment unsure of what he should do, his emotions were all over the place and he honestly wished he never located the account. He tried to go through his memory to find anything suspicious about Yoongi's behavior which, because he was paranoid at the moment, was everything. That time he got up to get some water and found Yoongi sitting at his kitchen bar at 3 am watching cat videos while drinking hot chocolate mixed with peppermint schnapps through a swirly straw was suddenly very suspicious. One, because he didn't own swirly straws. And two, he didn't know Yoongi was in his house.

Then again, Yoongi always came to his house to drink his alcohol after a fight with Hoseok so it didn't seem that suspicious.

What was he supposed to do tomorrow? He couldn't just turn Yoongi over to his boss or authorities, that would be like turning in his older brother. But he couldn't just let him off without doing anything—how would he explain that to Mr. Bang? He needed to speak with Yoongi alone before even thinking of doing anything. Maybe he could get him to turn himself in? Or just stop him from taking money from his own job? Honestly, thinking was doing nothing but giving him more anxiety.

His breath was uneasy as he walked into the apartment to see Jin sitting on the couch wrapped in a fluffy blanket nodding off. It was cute and the sight managed to calm his racing thoughts and heart. Smiling softly, he made his way over to the older boy who waited up for him. He could sort out his problems tomorrow.

"Jin," Jungkook whispered, caressing his cheek as Jin slowly blinked his tired eyes open.

"Jungkook? What happened? Is everything okay?" Jin asked, fully awake now.

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