Chapter 26

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Leao, " Come follow me, I have something's to show you"

Anna followed Leao inside the cabin.

As she entered the cabin she saw a cozy fireplace along with a few couches in the distance. The cabin looked anything but small. It had enough space to fit a whole group of people at a food court. Leao led her to a closed door that held several symbold on it that did not look familiar to her at all.

Leao, " What I'm about to show you is a secret, not only to you but to your kingdom. Nobody but you knows about this and it was left to you by the spirits and ancestors of the power you hold. Be careful to whom you tell this to, make sure to keep it to yourself if it's best."

Anna, "Ok"

Following Leao, he opened the mysterious door for her as they both stepped inside the room. The room they were in, was engulfed in all of the Majestinian flowers floating around them.  It semmes to float around in gears. It was surreal, the room was dark yet lit up by the flowers intense and beautiful glow.It seemed like something out of a  Harry Potter movie. 

Anna, " Wow.. What is this?"

Leao,  "It is where the Majestinian's fate relies with you as their leader. Touch a flower and it will show you what you need to see. "

Hesitating to do so she touched a purple flower. It quickly disappeared as she was pulled into another dream-like stage. She was in a field of blooming flowers when saw at the corner of her eyes a dark figure. Walking towards it she fell as vines intertwined between her legs with spines. They dug into her skin she seemed to scream in pain but couldn't hear herself at all. The dark figure approached her as she used her powers to blast him backward. She did so and he was blasted seven feet away from her. Once free again she saw the dark figures face, once she saw his face everything around them died. The sky was dark and gloomy, the grass beneath her dry and lifeless along with what once were beautiful flowers.

 Turning around she saw a little boy about three years old holding a blue flower sitting down on a patch of dry grass. She tried running towards the boy as the dark figure appeared next to him reaching  out a hand to the little boy. She made her way towards the boy attempting to hit the dark figure with a blast of her power but it was too late. The dark figure consumed the boy in darkness. Anna was then pulled into the ocean, she was underneath the surface. The water was clear and blue when suddenly the dark figure appeared once again. This time Anna was beginning to struggle for air. Seaweed wrapped around her body pulling her down as she struggled to free herself.

Back inside the room Anna is heard breathing for air as Leao comes near her. Falling to the floor, her eyes closed gasping for air. 

Suddenly not in the water anymore she appears in an empty white place, no people and only white is seen.

Anna," Hello!" Hearing her voice surprised her.

A black smoke came through the space and taunted her as it settles infront of her eyes.

An earie voice  came out of the figure

Figure, "  The worst is yet to come, be ready to face it. It's all around you. You must fight it, don't give in. Take what is rightfully yours my Queen. " Anna turned in her spot as she was engulfed in the darkness.

Anna, " Who is the darkness you speak of? What are you? "

Figure, " The one you where born to fight"

Anna, " Show yourself ! I'm not scared of you."

Figure, " As you wish" the earie voice said as darkness filled the space like black ink in water.

Figure, " Here I am Princess Anna" It said it with a creepy tone

Anna turned around and saw a dark glistening creature that looked as tall as a tree and had the form of water with branches. Like a floating black mirror with branches. It was indescribable for sure.

Anna, " What are you?

Figure, " I am the darkness at night, I have watched you since birth. Do not fear me for I am not the darkness that is trying to hurt you. Troy is set to come soon with his armies in three weeks. Prepare your people and most definitely yourself. Losses are set to come don't be afraid. Trust no one dear."

 With that said the figure disappeared before she could ask anything more. 

In a flash, she came back the room she was previously in. She was on the floor with Leao holding her up. 

Leao, " All good?"

Anna responded noticing she was on the floor as she stood up with Leao's help.

Anna, " Yeah" 




Both made their way out of the room as the cabin door threatened to break free.


Another boom was heard as the front door of the cabin blew open and a tall dark grotesque figure emerged.


 Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter! Stay safe and as always stay Loveful!

The Lost Princess of Majestinia Part 1 (Part 2 Coming Soon) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now