Chapter 9

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Looking at Sebastian, Anna nodded her head. Mary suddenly called them in for dinner. As they went into the house, Annabeth felt somewhat excited about this news but why did she feel this way and how would training be?...

As they walked in for dinner  Mary greeted them once more while they came into the house.

 Mary, " Hello Kiddos! How was it outside in the backyard?!" 

Everyone took a seat at a chair in the dining room.

Sebastian, "These two were tackling each other to the death the moment I stepped into the backyard!" He said it while laughing although he had somewhat of a serious look to him.

Mary laughed at both Max and Annabeth.  Annabeth was blushing to the maximum meanwhile Mary continued laughing as Sebastian looked at Annabeth as their eyes locked. Annabeth blushed shyly as she looked away from Sebastian still looking at her smiling.

  Max," OK! OK! Mary, I get it, WE get it! I'm gonna check on the food."

 Feeling embarrassed, Max hurriedly got up from his seat and went to the kitchen to check on the food. Meanwhile, Mary, Sebastian, and Annabeth were left in the dining room.

  Mary," I'll be right back, I'm going to check on Max before he eats all the food I have prepared for dinner."

Anna, "OK, we will be right here waiting for you guys."

 As Mary exited the dining room.

Annabeth and Sebastian were left in awkward silence as Mary entered the kitchen.

Sebastian decided to break the silence, 

Sebastian, "So how do you like it here so far?"

 Anna, "It's nice here so far. It's not like I have been able to explore much but It's my orignal birthplace being said that Max made this dimension, it's pretty different to Earth."

 Sebastian, " Did you know Max's descendants helped build the Majestinian world?! It's crazy how we have these abilities that can allow us to create such beauty. People on Earth aren't so lucky if you think of it." 

She was curious as to what abilities Sebastian possessed, so she decided to ask him although she didn't know if it was an appropriate way to ask Majestinian's that, 

Anna, "If it's not wrong to ask, What abilities do you have? if you don't mind."

 Looking at Sebastian,

  Sebastian, "I possess the abilities of strength and teleportation."

 Annabeth made a weird confused face, she was questioning the ability to have two powers. 

Anna," I thought you could only possess one type of ability not two?" 

Sebastian was thinking that maybe Annabeth did not know this so he told her. 

Sebastian,"Oh they didn't tell you?! Well us Majestinian's are able to inherit both abilities sometimes."

Her mind was a bit surprised about this but she wondered if he even has any knowledge of training? 

Anna, "Hey  umm... how did you get into training?" she was a little shy talking to him but she 

Sebastian," Well, I have fought and protected parts of Majestinia in battle and I have trained with people in the Castle. But when Ray asked me to come I knew it was for a reason so I came ."

Annabeth  blushed as Sebastian smirked at her when all of a sudden Max ran out of the kitchen whining,

Max,"Ughhh but Maryyy!!" 

Mary came out of the kitchen with a table rolling her eyes at Max as he took his seat. She rolled the serving table and gave everyone their plate of food. This time Mary had cooked some pork chops with sauteed potatoes and some greens. She also had some salad off to the side along with dessert  which was in the middle of the table as she took a seat near Max.

 Mary," Dinner is served! Hope you like it! P.s. this one here, Max, wanted to eat  dessert before dinner. He always acts like a child around sweets sometimes. Anyways how is everyone doing today?"

Anna, "My day was great!  Besides the hair color and eye changes, I got to meet Sebastian and tackled Max or  I mean Max tackled me! Point is Max! I'm going to get you so watch out because I will knock you down next time."

She pointed her finger at him.

Max laughed at Annabeth's comment

Max, "HAHAHAHA Yeah right! Watch me take you down !"

 Sebastian,"Not so fast, MAX ! With the training I'm going to give Annabeth she will be able to take you down in 123! Watch out potato."  

Annabeth stuck her tongue at Max while taking a bite of her food. As they began to finish their dinner Mary announced that Sebastian would be staying in the house with them for training.

  Mary," Sebastian will be staying here in the house with us while he trains Annabeth. Besides, we need some more security inside the house considering we have a Princess." 

Mary looked at Annabeth weirdly winking. To be honest Mary can be very unpredictable but that's just her...

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