Chapter 24

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Sebastian carried her on his arms as he ran towards the castles nursery. He laid her in a bed as two healers came up to him.

Nurse 1, " What seems to have been the cause of her unconsciousness?"

Sebastian, " We where dueling as you may have heard and she may have burned out her powers. She conjured up a big mix of her powers on the arena."

Nurse 2, " Would you like to wait outside?"

Sebastian, " I'll stay here watching over her. "

Nurse 1, " This may be a little painful to watch dear "

Sebastian, " I've seen worse in battle."

Nurse 2 began to remove Anna's armor but she couldn't as a shock electrified  her hands the moment she tried  to touch her body.

Nurse 2, " Ouch! It's as if the armor is protecting her in some way. It doesn't want to come off"

Nurse 1, " hmm, Let me see."

Nurse 1 tried to take the armor off of Anna as Nurse 2 but it also shocked her.

Nurse 1, " Ow! Great power of Majestinia! Ouch!". She shook her hands as a light burn formed her hands.

Sebastian just looked at both of them and cane to a realization.

Sebastian, " Wait, how come she  didn't burn or shock me? The armor didn't do that to me when I carried her over here?"

Nurse 2, " It's a very tricky situation isn't it?"

All of them looked at Anna lying there in the hospital bed wondering what to do.

Nurse 2, " My name is Marcy by the way and this is Nurse Heidi. Sorry we didn't introduce ourselves sooner."

Sebastian," Nice to meet you both, what if I tried to remove the armor off of her?"

Nurse Heidi, " Well, you can try and see what happens dear. Be careful though her power is very strong. "

With that being said, Sebastian got closer towards the hospital bed and sat down next to her. He then proceeded to reach out his arm to touch Anna's hand that was intertwined with armor she had made previously in the locker room. At first he felt nothing but a slight buzz on his finger tips, was then followed by a strong wave of energy. His hand began to enclose itself with hers as a light formed and a huge surge of power began to move into Sebastian following the armor on her body. It seemed to gather at her arm and into Sebastian's hand as the energy began to minimize, Sebastian began to feel weak. The light that was there disappeared as he fell to the floor next to Anna's bed just when Max entered the Nursery.

The Lost Princess of Majestinia Part 1 (Part 2 Coming Soon) CompleteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang