chapter 23

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it was just a regular day for byeongkwan at the cafe. luckily for him, not too many people came and almost every one was unproblematic. at least towards him but it didn't change the fact that he was tired. it was almost lunch time and byeongkwan could wait for his break to come.

"hey, if you wanna go to lunch right now you can. i will take over." chan asked to which byeongkwan shook his head.

"it's ok i only have like what? 6 minutes left. you have a longer shift than me so take your time." he smiled at the younger and returned his attention to the class doors and windows. that's when he saw a car park and 3 men come out. all wearing police uniforms.

"hey byeongkwan, how was your day?" one of them says and byeongkwan realized sehyoon is one of the 3 men.

"welcome to 5tar coffee what would you like to order?" he bluntly with a fake smile. the two other men that came with sehyoon take a moment to look at the menu while sehyoon walked out to talk on the phone.

one of the two had black hair, messily dressed. he was a bit shorter then sehyoon but still taller then byeongkwan and obviously older. the other one looked a bit older then sehyoon and had hazelnut hair, pale skin, and looked like a chanel model.

"alright we are ready to orde-" the brow haired guy gets cut off by the black haired dude. he pushed him roughly to the side and comes up to the register where byeongkwan was patiently waiting.

"one black chocolate mocha with no whipped cream on top, unsweetened. medium." kwan mentally gags when hear his order 'why not just order black coffee and save the ingredients?'

"is that all?"

"for now." he smirks at him and byeongkwan just give him a straight poker face. with a nod he leaves to the back to start making the drink. with the corner of his eyes he could see chan taking the order of the brown haired guy. he seemed flustered.

"hey taehun do you have the locations?" sehyoon asks when he walks back in.

"yes why?" the black haired dude responded, not taking his eyes off of me.

"your coffee is ready." kwan quickly say but before he even had the chance to put the coffee down the black haired man interrupted him.

"hey cutie. you wanna maybe grab something after your shift is over? it's on me." he finishes off with a wink.

sehyoon, who heard it, looks at the two of them, wide eyed. somewhat anger and jealousy could be seen in his expression. it makes kwan want to chuckle but he holds it in.

"i have standards." he eyes him up and down "and you don't qualify." with a short motion he hands him the cup without even properly facing him and then leaves. taehuns face was red, furious with anger and embarrassment. even if kwan knew he was going to get scolded in the end, this was so worth it.

sehyoon watched the scene unfold in front of him and byeongkwan can see he tried his best at trying to hold himself and keep his cold composure. when their eyes meet kwan winks at him and sehyoons cheeks flash red. 'he's so adorable, like a baby.' kwan thinks to myself and make him some coffee, already knowing what he was going to order. he always asks for the same thing.

"sehni, your coffee." he holds the cup and sehyoon walks up to the counter. confused since he never asked or payed for anything.

"a vanilla bean latte like always. it's on me." byeongkwan smiled which sehyoon gladly returned, his face as red as ever. "what are we having for dinner? i want pasta with shrimps." kwan demands with a pout which sehyoon could never resist. just thinking about food right now makes kwans stomach growl and his mouth fill up with saliva.

"ok, i can arrange that." he smiled brightly at the younger and takes the lid off from the cup. taking a big sip before looking back at byeongkwans. he has a bit of the foam on his upper lip making it look like he has a mustache.

"wait, don't move don't move." byeongkwan says in between his giggles before taking his phone out and taking a picture of sehyoon.

"huh what? is there something on my face?" he looked at the younger confused. byeongkwan shakes his head before taking his thumb and using it to wipe the white substance off. then bring it up to his mouth and lick it off as he shakes my head. "not anymore."

byeongkwan smirks as he watches sehyoon get shy and flustered and embarrassed all over again.

"sehyoon we are leaving. now." the black haired guy, who's name byeongkean remembered is taehun, states. his voice very angry.

"ok. b-bye byeongkwan. see-e you home at dinner." sehyoon says softly. voice barely above whisper. the younger nods and waves his hand. the older waves back and leaves.

"next time you and your boyfriend should get a room." chan states out of nowhere as byeongkwan glares at him.

"he isn't my boyfriend,

at least not yet"

**not edited**

not really proud of this chapter tbh :(

i wrote half of it in 3rd person pov but the next day i forgot about it and continued writing it in byeongkwans pov and when i was rereading it i realized my mistake and fixed it but i think it's still crappy :"(

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