chapter 15

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the said male visibly gulped at the tone of the youngers voice.

"y-you sound mad, who made you angry?" he laughs nervously.

the younger male who was sitting on top of him stared at him intensively with extreme tension that you could feel from miles away.

"you have 3 seconds to explain what you're doing here before i send you back. and trust me, i won't make it pretty. " byeongkwan raised his hand up and in between his fingered that where covered in different dark green prints, energy molecules started collecting and forming into something. donghun wasn't sure what it was but he definitely did not like it one bit.

"w-what are you saying?" sweat was streaming down his neck and his breathing hitched with every time the boy sitting on top of him moved.

"you should know better then anyone, i don't repeat myself." byeongkwan was growing inpatient and he so wishes he could just kill the older and send him back to hell but he needed answers. and for that, he was ready to wait.

"i-i," he looked at him with big sad eyes. then he lets out a long sigh. "i was just checking up on you. byeongkwan, everyone's home worried. and we miss you. please, let's go back home." he smiled softly at the younger. hoping, that he will accept his offer.

byeongkwan looked at him with narrow eyes. "donghun," he paused "don't you dare lie to me."


"i know damn well that no ones worried about me. and i know damn well no one missed me or wishes for me to come back. i still remember the smiles and looks filled with satisfaction and relief of everyone who was watching me get send here. so don't fill me up with that bullshit." his glare became heavier. in his left hand he now had a sharp dagger. donghuns eyes widened. 'is that what he was feeling this whole time?'


"you have no right calling me that. your time is up, tell everyone i said to fuck off." and just as byeongkwan was about to stab donghun and send him back, they heard voices coming their way. and when i say coming their way, i mean they were like legit 5 steps away from them.

"shit" byeongkwan muttered and quickly got up. he needed to hide himself. in the form he is right now the humans would be terrified and cause him a lot of problems. and the last thing he needed was more problems on his slim shoulders.

"wait," donghun quickly grabbed his hand.

"let go, i need to hide before they see me." he spat angrily at him.

"i know a place nearby here where you can hide." he quickly said. byeongkwan knew that this might have been a trap prepared by the older but what other choices did he have? he didn't know where he was located and because of his poor sense of direction it would take him about an eternity before he will find a good hiding spot or a way to get back home.

so all he did was just nod and follow the older.

**not edited**

Relive my Life | wowkwan | Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora