After The Fight (Remastered)

Start from the beginning

???: Ignore those two, they are always arguing *she points at herself* My Name is Amy Rose, and this *points at her Friend*  is Cream 

Cream: Hello! my Name is Cream *she point at her pet* and this is Cheese 

Cheese:  Chaaao! 

Android: Its a pleasure to meet you three, my name is... *he thinks for a moment* Acually.... i dont have a name

*Sonic and Knuckels where about throw hand but stop as they hear that*

Sonic: For real now ? 

Knuckels: You dont have a name ?

Android: No I dont! All i do know is that i look like someone called Shadow the Hedgehog

Amy: *looks at him and scanns him* Now that you say it, yes 

Cream: Shoes, spines, gloves yes everything looks the same 

Android: Good to hear that its true, do you guys know that guy? 

Sonic: Sadly, we do he is lets say hard to handle sometimes specially when he is mad

Amy: *her eyes flicker bright as she remembers* btw a citizen gave that to us, she saw you throw that away before you fought against Eggman! 

*Amy got the Cape out of a pocket and gave it the Android back, He decided to wear it again, the 5 looked at the Copy with big eyes*

Copy: *confused* whats? 

Tails: that Cape Suits you

Knuckles: yes it does

Sonic: you said you don't have a name right?

Android: yea thats right why?

Sonic: how about CapeBoy: CapeBoy The Hedgehog 

Android: *mutters* CapeBoy...CapeBoy *he smiles as he likes the Ring of it* i Like that name! or for Short just Cape!  

Sonic: that truly sounds good!,but now I need to test Something Cape i want you to follow me!

Cape: alright lead the way 

*Sonic Speeded away at Light speed while CapeBoy stood there wearing a big Smile on his face*

CapeBoy: you asked for this one Sonic!

*Cape got into a starting position and dashed after Sonic and catches up with him fast; they both stared to talk* 

Sonic: took you long enough to catch up

Cape: You had a Head start, but since we are able to talk now I got question some stuff  

Sonic: Alright, ask me till i puke

Cape: that Shadow the Hedgehog guy, is he hard to find? 

Sonic: Shadow works for the Organisation G.U.N. but if he has free time he goes to the Space Colony ARK which is like a home to him, no wonder he was born there 

Cape: what are you talking about? G.U.N.? The ARK? 

Sonic: G.U.N or The Guardian Units of Nations is a worldwide Military running by a man called the Commander, they seek to protect the World from all sorts of threats including Eggman. the ARK  was used by the Government over 50 Years ago, Professor Gerald Robotnik, the Grandfather of Dr.Eggman used the ARK to create the Ultimate Life Form,  also Called Project Shadow. 

Cape: wow, maybe I should pay the ARK a visit. is it hard to get there ? 

Sonic: me and my friends used a shuttle back at then, but there might be a way to get there easier, lets move back to the hospital I explain everything there 

CapeBoy: hehehe See you there Slowpoke!

*CapeBoy dashes forward and passes Sonic by, but he didnt let lose and they both arrived almost the same time*

Tails: and had a good walk? 

Sonic: yes we had, hey Knuckles! Buddy! Pal! could you make some time free and show him how the Chaos Emeralds are working? 

Cape: - what on earth are Chaos Emeralds? - 

Knuckles: I could do that, but give me one good reason for that! 

Sonic: our new pal here, wants to visit our com padre Shadow a Visit and the best way to do that would be a good Chaos Control, wouldn't you agree?

Knuckles: Your right about the Chaos Control part, but what if anything happens to the Master Emerald while I am gone? 

Sonic: dont worry knux I will keep an eye on it while you are gone

Knuckels: *faceplams* fine, Okay Tomorrow Morning it is at the Altar  

Sonic: Sounds like a Plan thank you knuckles, Tomorrow it is, Cape do you have a place to stay ? 

Cape: not yet but I can stay in a Hotel I found some rings on the way here maybe I find tomorrow more a better place to stay at

Sonic: Then...yea Tomorrow

Cape: yea I will head back to Emerald Village for now then and rest my arm

Sonic: Good then we both meet there and then we head off to Knuckels

CapeBoy: Perfect! then I see you tomorrow!

*CapeBoy Dashes off and the group goes their way*

(ANNNNNNNNNND the Next Remasterd Chapter! this is getting easier loool CYAYAYAAY)

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